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today no one is home desu.

that why I need to go out for some food desu.

I always prepared for everything that might happen desu.


money support for food about 3,000 yen is inside desu.

because I do not want to risk my life to go after that money,

that why I decided to go home desu.

right now I really shock desu.




Hanako-san is my favorites character desu. I just feel like drawing her desu. hope this can count as little service ne.


I going to sleep a bit desu. I want to cry but can not desu it wried feeling desu. this might be the panic desu.


and I think that is the same face I made when I lose the money's desu.


I have 3 bags desu, one for tools and first aid emergency and tools, and little bags for card ID and dummy bags for robbery desu. the one I lose is the one that contains the money's desu.