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Test [request project] desu

I only take one request per month on Pixiv request desu.

just to get enough money to buy the building for the RPG project desu.

because right now I got my uncle to help with the money loan before his retirement desu.

If no one makes any request I will spend time on Fanbox instead desu.

some people might not be able to request 18+ content

that why I will make a 4-page work desu.

example desu https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/85427080

the first page will be put on the public at the pixiv page as the request work

and the complete version will be shared with [10,000 yen support in Fanbox]

here desu https://maxi.fanbox.cc/

****[after request do not forget to join 10,000 yen support and wait for the link ne]****

only accept Bleach & Burn the witch character for the request desu.

and I can only be able to work with an exciting idea desu.

this month I still need 40,000 yen more desu.

If not enough money this month I still have emergency budgets desu.

but this solution might not last long desu.

that why I have to start testing this project now desu.

If the next two months still not enough I might have to change it to plan B desu.

and If plan B is not working there are still plan C left desu.

and If plan C is still not working

I will have to give up on RPG project again desu.

I already hate myself enough just to go with this plan desu.

because that means I fail as CG maker and fail as the leader of this project desu.

and after 4 years I have to go rent someplace in the city to living alone desu.

that is the worst possibility desu.

but If we win this war.

we will have cook-san and my lazy brother on my side desu.

with the place for the team in the future desu.

and the RPG project is guarantee desu.

that when the time comes I will start to look for a crew members to join desu.

I hope your guys understand desu.

feel free to comment ne

this takes me 1 full month to come up with this plan to fight this war desu.


fuuu somehow I have really felt like we gonna win this war desu.

and to be honest RPG project is really scary desu.

but I will make this move for myself in the future desu.

I feel like that fellow gonna be able to handle it desu.

If I not make I move now I would regret it later desu.

that why I have no doubt desu.




It sounds like a very big and uncertain step! but you know what they say: fortune favours the bold