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first of all, I want to thank you for 500 yen support to help us win the civil war desu.

but the problems in the future are already here desu.

I might have 3-4 more years to prepare the money but I will lose a lot of opportunities to make the best outcome If I letting my guard down now desu.

I already finished consulting with my lazy brother about future plan

about 2 weeks ago desu.

we decide to make another move on the investment

instead of waiting for the time to come to decide our fate desu.


I might end up not have enough money to buy the place for everyone on the team

to stay together before the deadline desu.

If I have to live alone I would never have a proper meal

and no one that I can trust like my lazy brother to help around left desu.

forget about the RPG project just trying to survive the day is already give my hand full desu.

that why we just plan to suggest our uncle give us a loan before his retired desu

we might not have credit to buy anything but with my uncle's help

we will be able to buy anythings desu and I can pay him back later desu.

that is about what going on so far desu.

I do think about opening the Pixiv request from the start desu.

but it would be rude

and feel like betray people who already support me on 10,000 yen support desu.

and I also not sure If I gonna get any request that I want to do or not desu.

and I really not want to make a living by doing the commission desu.

that why I want to wait and see how your guys are gonna act first desu.

If your guys stop support then I have no choice but to find another solution desu.

but look like some of your guys still on 10,000 yen support

even there are still better offers out there.


I will upgrade 10,000 yen support to the next level now desu.

it will be called [Top secret part] desu.

it might be the top-secret part but they are just like another normal secret part desu.

the difference is Nemu-san will also take part in this service too desu.

do not worry desu.

the working hours will come from [Nemu-san working hours] desu.

and [Top secret part] will be uploading about the end of the month desu.

they will have 30 days before expired desu.

and when they expired it will only have the post left desu.

and for people do not have time to make it in time

there will be the link for each month's support just in cased desu.

what I want is not money but the place to work desu.

If you guys give me the tools to work

I will work as hard as I can desu.

when I got the building that when the RPG project start desu.

and when I complete the RPG project

I will work on Pixiv for free desu. because that is what I want from the start desu.


I do not need money to hired anyone anymore desu.

[because I feel like I might get some free assistant left desu.]

this is my promised desu. just for now desu that I will need to fight for the money desu.

feel free to comment ne

this month will be the first test of the [Top secret part] project desu.




forgot to mention desu. thanks to the victory of the civil war of the previous time we gain more power and credit to make a move desu. that why I do not want to lose this opportunity to make the next move for the best outcome desu. and thanks to this we got the uncle on our side now desu. The next stop will be RPG project desu.