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actually, I hate the flow, hate to follow what everyone does desu.
that might be the reason why I lack a lot of common technique desu.
that also might be a lazy part of me about the way of living desu.
always try to find a better way better shortcut.

there is once that a professor tries to teach me how to paint like everyone,
but I can not be able to do it no matter what desu.
and my work almost always at the bottom of the class desu.
[ because my lazy brother is the bottom desu.
because he is always late and never made it to the deadline desu.
and If I remember it right he already keeps repeating that class for 6 years desu.
only his fight spirit is top-class desu]

but now I think it time that I need to give up on this silly ego desu.

and my lazy brother's criticism really hit me hard desu.
the answer of what I have been looking for
[why I feel nothing from my own work]
after I gather some sample work of another artist,
to show it to my lazy brother for criticism work.
he makes it clear desu.
my problem is the [structure knowledge] desu.

right now the shock and the despair,
really hit me hard enough to give me the push to change desu.
I do not want to do this half-ass desu.
that why I will go all out on this decision desu.

in short, all I need to do is restart from baby steps desu.
CG work in the future might be a bit low-quality for a while like a sample work I put up there desu.

because I want to look at my own work and feel satisfied desu.
that why about the RPG project,
this project is not just for everyone's sake desu
this project is also for me desu.

I will keep my promise to doing my best and service as much as possible in return desu.




forgot to mention desu. I already use the money on new tools desu. this is a software called clip studio paint ex version desu. I think it time that I need to go all out with proper tools like everyone too desu. this cost me about 30,000 yen desu. thanks for your guy's support again desu.


Love your art! Please take care of yourself and give yourself credit!


News update desu. due to trying to complete [structure knowledge] put current work to takes a lot more time desu. but I feel like keeping the level up a bit more and more desu. this might be the right decision desu. and new clip studio software really better than Manga studio the old version desu.