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I just got criticism help from my lazy brother desu. it really embarrassment things desu. my CG work problems are just like other problems that I have desu. they not perfect always lacking always not enough desu. just like every skill I had desu. huh sorry ne for not be able to be a better CG maker at first, I plan to complain and cry about my own weakness, but doing that would betray your guy's support desu. I will not be going to lose any second on crying like a baby desu. [but already waste 1 hour on this comment] going to bed now desu. tomorrow I will work like crazy desu. I already realize my problems on ratio and line desu. I gonna complete my ratio by tomorrow's training desu. I had enough of this weakness desu. I will do my best on developed desu. ---- [work in the morning] ニニーちゃん [3p] request おあがりよ!




fucking love your work, there is nothing better! anything with Noel coming?


ニニーちゃん、素晴らしい… brave soulsでもゲットできましたb perfect japnese!


I do love your art a lot Maxi-san! I will rooting for you <3


Losing my mind at the amount of content you did of this