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for newcomers about request desu. [can skip desu] some request menu still impossible for me to bring them out desu. without [exciting feeling] [or what I call [forbidden fruit technique]] I will not be able to make proper work desu. because work so far takes a lot of focuses, this [forbidden fruit technique] it really has a bad side effect desu. sometimes I also want to try drawing Manga desu. but [forbidden fruit technique] already completely take that possibility away from me desu. at first, I plan to get so powerful to the point that I have no need for this [forbidden fruit technique] desu. but I start to realize that thinking is a mistake desu. feel like if Mouse pen is the power of God-san, then this [forbidden fruit technique] is more like contact with the Satan-san desu. that means I might get so powerful but lack some common skill or something important in the end desu but do not worry desu. from the start, I always go for the route that I feel like I have to go desu. it always likes this desu. it more like instinct desu. deep inside I feel like every route I take is no mistake desu. my lazy brother said to me once that having weakness is not a mistake, but the place for friends to fill it. [hai, he is the next Natsume Yuujinchou desu.] he told me the reason why I have no friend desu. just like the Fanbox concept desu. something that I can not do, I will leave it to the team to the crew member desu.




sometimes you should try to do different characters or some techniques to feel better, and ofcourse you will find some exciting feeling about that the most important thing is not to push your self hard good luck sensei 🥺❤


Can you please draw more Noel from BURN THE WITCH? I love her boobs!


Bleach the anime series is coming back soo, if you continue drawing Bleach and BTW there would probably be a potential of more new people coming in to support you. Just be ready or have a idea of what you want to draw once the show is back this will get you more new followers and be able to support your work.


Just to follow up its also a good or bad idea depending if you want to push as much content as you can when the show arrives that way people will be able to like your drawing and be able to support you.


Oh I did not know that. Thank you so much! I love your art!


hai, Kubo-san work already help me a lot desu. and I will keep using his work on the RPG project too desu and that why I not really expect anything from that anime success desu. more importantly, I more like expect the director who in charge of the anime this time does not plan to put edit or something like filler or any cut on the Original story like the last time desu. because to me the main strong point of Bleach is Character and how they interact with each other desu. the last episode of anime really disappoints me a lot desu.


I do not want to be rude but I not the type of person who happy with the filler desu. I do not want to complain or show my true color here by talking about everything now that why I will complete the RPG project and talk about it later desu.


News update desu. look like the cotton I put into the mouse pen had cause it to malfunction desu. I try to fix it but no use desu. look like I need to buy [Intuos Pro Medium] for a new pen once again desu. but I can use the spare one for now desu. this really tried desu. I going to sleep a bit more desu. huhhhhhhhhh


めっちゃ楽しみです!! 「まだ決めてないの?」が正しい言葉かと思います!


Hai maxi sensei will you redo a long history


update about work desu. I have tested some color and some lines of different content out a bit desu.


News update desu. I gonna go to bed now desu . Secert part not complete yet desu . I will go back to finish this tomorrow desu.


News update desu. the button Ctrl just broken desu. this keyboard is my favorite desu. they not sell anywhere any more desu. I will try the next one soon desu. for now, I will use the spare one desu. I wonder why things suddenly start to get broken altogether this week. is this some kind of boycott.


Gonna go back to rest my eyes a bit desu . Hair got into the eyes desu


News update desu. this is the only way that I can come up to seal the unwanted movement on the nib of mouse pen desu. The last time I put cotton inside them and end up cause it to malfunction desu. but this tape not good for the Wacom Cintiq pro 24 because the tape might ruin the screen desu. I will try to come up with another solution for that later desu. for now, this is the best solution desu.


oh my god is not working desu only way is to put the cotton inside them aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I really hate this desu


with this, I might risk losing the pen every time I attempt to change the nib desu.