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My pc starts to restart by itself again desu. I will have my lazy brother check it later desu. old PC also have this problems before desu.
I really hate this problems desu. this really stress me out desu.
I not happy about these problems at all desu.
If it restarts while I doing the CG color I will be going to cry desu.

I wonder if I should reinstalling Windows again desu

about work desu.
I decide to use pencil tools instead of G-pen desu.
Yoneyama-san also uses these tools for CG desu.
I will test them out on the CG for a while desu.




Am going to assume your work doesn't auto save you date every 10 minutes or does it?


I do not use autosave desu. I already got the habit of frequency to save the work desu. but the problem is when the PC starts to restart by themself before the saving file is complete and if the file is not finished saving yet they will have nothing left to open desu. they just end up become [unsupported file format] desu. and all work is gone desu.


Maxi, Did you checked the CPU temperatures? If they are ok - then you need to check your motherboard, PSU and RAM. First take out RAM and place it back in just to be sure that everything placed correctly. Then download software called OCCT and run the PSU stress test. You can also run RAM stress test. It will tell you if there any problems with them. Sadly, there is not many ways to check motherboard unless like BIOS flash. But that's a bad advice. Don't do BIOS flash without being experienced in this. Maybe you want to give your pc for 1 week to some professional? Just take 1 week off. And do some sketches on paper or drawing board. We still gonna support you!


my lazy brother already warns me about the virus before but I completely forgot about it. right now problems are solved desu. if my lazy brother solution not working I will be sure to try this one desu. thank you for the info desu.


bad news desu. It looks like I got a little fever desu. I gonna take a bit more rest desu. Nemu-san will be moving to the next week's desu. the secret part still have 60 % left desu


News update desu. look like restart problems it caused by some old software desu. my brother already deletes it and now the problems are solved desu. the problems this time really stress me out more than power outage problems in the past desu because this is a new PC desu. I hope they can work with no false function at least for 2 years or more desu. because of this I can not sleep well at night and make my health go down desu.


all the worry is gone now desu. I also not feel any fever left now desu