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animation almost complete desu.
look like this week will have not much to put on a show again desu

look like draw with Cintiq pro 24 and do the color with normal mouse pen plan is really good to go desu

this year really have a lot of problems desu
but everything starts to get stable now desu

compare to the past
before I take this Hentai route all the problems in my mind is
[where I gonna sleep] and Hasegawa-san idea is the best solution
at that moment desu

hope you guys enjoy Hasegawa-san song desu

the secret part will be put on time as always desu



I'm so excited to see the animation 😻😻😻😻


news update desu. I messed up a bit desu[almost cry] the file that I save become [unsupported file format] this must happen because the mouse pen Cintiq pro consumes too much energy and cause the delay when saving the file desu. but I still have a PNG file left so there is no problems desu. but I will only lose the ability of the Vector line on this CG work this time desu. next time I will be sure to make more back up desu.


thanks to this I just feel sleepy about going to bed and now I am fully awake desu.