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不鉄州こそが一生懸命働いていますが、最近、私のおばあちゃんが亡くなりましたので、葬儀を準備するために精神なく忙しかったです。。 できるだけ支障のないように作業を進めようとしましたが、仕上げができずアップロードが遅くなっています すみません。




毎回ご了承くださいませ。 広い心で応援していただければ、ぜひいい絵でお返しいたします。


안녕하세요 후원자분들 최근 보상이 늦어지고 있는 점에 대해 죄송합니다.

불철주야 열심히 작업하고 있습니다만 최근 저희 할머니 께서 돌아가셔서 장례를 치르느라 정신이 없었습니다. 최대한 차질이 없게 작업을 진행하려고 했으나 마무리를 하지 못해 업로드가 늦어지고 있습니다 굉장히 죄송합니다.

이런 불미스러운 공지를 드리지 않고 업로드를 하려고 노력했으나 조금더 시간이 필요할것같아서 부득이하게 양해를 구하게 되었습니다.

현재 미츠리와 시노부의 작업은 곧 마무리 후 바리에이션 제작에 들어갈 예정이며 코노스바의 메구밍 그림의 채색을 준비하고 있습니다.

이번 일이 끝나면 다음달을 기준으로 일주일에 한장씩 그림을 올릴수있게 프로그램을 마련하였으니 더이상 늦지 않도록 주의 하겠습니다.

매번 양해만 구해서 죄송합니다. 넓은 아량으로 응원해주시면 꼭 좋은 그림으로 보답하겠습니다.



Hello backers, sorry for the recent delay in rewards.

I'm working hard day and night, but recently my grandmother passed away and I was busy with the funeral. I tried to proceed with the work as smoothly as possible, but the upload was delayed because I couldn't finish it. I'm very sorry.

I tried to upload without giving you such an unpleasant notice, but I inevitably asked for your understanding because I thought it would take a little more time.

Currently, Mitsuri and Shinobu's work will soon be finished and they will start producing variations, and Konosuba's painting of Megumin is being prepared for coloring.

After this work is over, we have prepared a program so that you can upload one picture a week based on next month, so I will be careful not to be late anymore.

I'm sorry for asking for your understanding every time. If you support me I will definitely repay you with a good picture.

thank you



I'm so sorry to hear that about your grandmother, take the time that you need off.


I'm sorry for the death of your grandmother, deal with the reality first and then come back to painting. I will always support you!


I didn't realise that you were going through such a hard time. Take as much time as you need


thank you The funeral and all procedures are over, and now we are back to our daily routine. I'll be busy uploading pictures again! Please enjoy it comfortably. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the unsavory notice.


i are very sorry for the delay as the funeral took longer than expected and there was a lot to do. Now we are back to our daily routine. We promise steady updates so that you can enjoy it comfortably again.


thank you In the future, we will do our best to avoid making such unsavory announcements.


No need to apologise. We never can see these things coming in life.


Take care yourself, we always can wait.

b 27

Sorry to hear that. Take your time!


Sorry to hear about the lost of your grandmother