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Inanis,Hakos Baelz,Kronii


イナニス、ベルズ、クロニーの完成本です。 お待ちいただきありがとうございます。 力を与えて描くので少し遅れましたのでご了承ください。 一生懸命描いたように満足してほしいです。 足の動きが気に入ったら、次の図も適用させていただきありがとうございます!

이나니스,벨즈,크로니의 완성본입니다. 기다려주셔서 감사합니다. 힘을주고 그리느라 조금 늦어졌습니다 양해부탁드립니다. 열심히 그리신만큼 만족하셨으면 좋겠습니다. 발의 움직임은 마음에 드신다면 다음 그림들도 적용하겠습니다 감사합니다.

This is the finished version of Inanis,Hakos Baelz,Kronii Thank you for waiting. It's a little late because I gave it strength and drew it. Thank you for your understanding. I hope you are satisfied as much as you worked hard. If you like the movement of the feet, I will also apply the following pictures. Thank you.




이거 언제 올라올까요? 1월까지라고 되어있던데 들어가보니 아직없어서 ㅠ


곧 완성될예정입니다. 3명이라 그런지 시간이 좀걸리네요 ㅠ 기본그림은 완성되었고 바리에이션 제작중입니다


has there been a link sent out for this work? I do not see one in my messages


A variation is currently being produced. It will be uploaded soon as the work is at the end.


thank you. I wasn't sure if this was being sent out with google drive or on here so I thought I would ask

b 27

Incredible!!! Not only did you include all 3 girls, their individual footwear, but also foot movements! This is a masterpiece! Well worth the wait~ 😍😍💗