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With the publication of past works on Fantia, I compiled links to past articles and JPEG images of all cuts.


During the training in the gymnasium, he had been trying to pee to the limit but told his instructor that he had to go to the bathroom and pretended to be calm as he headed for the exit.

日英字幕版MP4 JP & EN Sub ↓

限界おもらし MP4(ボイス無し)1min35sec

字幕なし版MP4 No Sub ↓

【追加・字幕なし】限界おもらし Peeing with patience MP4(ボイス無し)1min35sec

スクロール用縦長GIF ↓

下からおしっこanimeGIF 1200*860pix


There are other past articles, including progress GIFs, in addition to the link above, if you'd like to look for them!




But it was the work that led me to delete Patreon, so I haven't been able to draw the rest of the anime, and I don't know if he will appear in the future...

I changed his head size from his usual drawing and it made him look too young...

There is a possibility that I may remove this anime from Fanbox and Fantia in the future. Please understand.



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