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I wonder what happends after the plant withered... And how will others "treat" the body and onahole <3


This plant has not been fully researched and is still under research.🤔 I will bring back this plant, onahole and body when I find it. Thanks for your valuable message!


I'm not sure whether you accept suggestion or not but I'll write them here anyway. 1. After the plant withered it will create a seed in the victim's womb. Whoever found the victim can pull out the seed and "plant" on another victim, by put the seed back in another victim's womb (by fisting of course😘), or simply add the seed to the next victim's meal (much boring I'd say). Then the seed will grow root from womb to ground extremely fast that the victim can't even response, then grow a branch that penertrate from butt hole to mouth and creating the result of this image. 2. Or this plant can be tamed as familiar(使い魔 in Japanese?) by great wizards (maybe the オナホ化 master from your latest manga😉) and used in fight against their enemies, such as female mercenaries or witches that want to search and arrest him. The plant familiars can rise from earth lightening fast and penertrate victims in a blink. All the great wizard need to do is sit and enjoy the view the victims becoming オナホs.