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[2023/07/31 update]


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自分のペースで自分に出来る運用をしていければと。。よろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m




I started FANBOX for the time being, but I have decided to make it my monthly quota of at least two films: one new story involving shame, and one lighter one (remake, etc.).

I would like to have some time to create new manga and other works, so if you look at it on a monthly basis, it may seem insufficient.

So your continued support would be greatly appreciated, but it's also fine if you want to support me each time you want to see something.

I hope to operate at my own pace and in the way that I am able.

Sorry for the delay, but I really appreciate your support! Very encouraging.

It is the end of the month, so if you are going to stop your support, please do not forget to do so.

Have a good April! See you soon.  



nikkoh_gn (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-03 02:49:24 この身体測定のシリーズは本当に大好きです。  フルカラーで見られてとても嬉しいです!  男子たちが恥ずかしがりながら短パンとパンツを脱ぐシーンも、フルカラーで見てみたいです。よろしければご検討ください。
2023-03-30 14:40:44 この身体測定のシリーズは本当に大好きです。  フルカラーで見られてとても嬉しいです!  男子たちが恥ずかしがりながら短パンとパンツを脱ぐシーンも、フルカラーで見てみたいです。よろしければご検討ください。

この身体測定のシリーズは本当に大好きです。  フルカラーで見られてとても嬉しいです!  男子たちが恥ずかしがりながら短パンとパンツを脱ぐシーンも、フルカラーで見てみたいです。よろしければご検討ください。

Nessbutt (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-03 02:49:22 I intend to support for as long as I can. Your content is rare and very good. This one reminds me of when my brother and I had annual physicals at our doctor. We were in our briefs from the beginning and then naked when he examined our genitals. As the older brother I was first and it was embarrassing to do so in front of an audience, especially when the female nurse stayed and when puberty started. Even if we had seen each other before, it was still embarrassing to be touched there and on display in front of him.
2023-03-30 23:03:36 I intend to support for as long as I can. Your content is rare and very good. This one reminds me of when my brother and I had annual physicals at our doctor. We were in our briefs from the beginning and then naked when he examined our genitals. As the older brother I was first and it was embarrassing to do so in front of an audience, especially when the female nurse stayed and when puberty started. Even if we had seen each other before, it was still embarrassing to be touched there and on display in front of him.

I intend to support for as long as I can. Your content is rare and very good. This one reminds me of when my brother and I had annual physicals at our doctor. We were in our briefs from the beginning and then naked when he examined our genitals. As the older brother I was first and it was embarrassing to do so in front of an audience, especially when the female nurse stayed and when puberty started. Even if we had seen each other before, it was still embarrassing to be touched there and on display in front of him.

HarrinnyF (edited)

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2023-04-03 02:49:21 Very cute. I love the facial expression! I’m really sorry as I need to change to a lower tier this month due to a change in circumstances. However I shall return to the 5000 yen tier as soon as I am able!
2023-03-31 05:42:46 Very cute. I love the facial expression! I’m really sorry as I need to change to a lower tier this month due to a change in circumstances. However I shall return to the 5000 yen tier as soon as I am able!

Very cute. I love the facial expression! I’m really sorry as I need to change to a lower tier this month due to a change in circumstances. However I shall return to the 5000 yen tier as soon as I am able!

ku (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-03 02:49:25 コメントありがとうございます! 本編でサクッと流してしまったシーンを改めて描いてみるのも面白いかもしれませんね(´ω`) 確証とかは全然できないんですが、案として頭に留めておきます!ご提案どうもでした!
2023-03-31 20:58:52 コメントありがとうございます! 本編でサクッと流してしまったシーンを改めて描いてみるのも面白いかもしれませんね(´ω`) 確証とかは全然できないんですが、案として頭に留めておきます!ご提案どうもでした!

コメントありがとうございます! 本編でサクッと流してしまったシーンを改めて描いてみるのも面白いかもしれませんね(´ω`) 確証とかは全然できないんですが、案として頭に留めておきます!ご提案どうもでした!

ku (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-03 02:49:23 Thank you for your comment and your kind words! Hospitals are another place where situations known as CFNM are likely to occur. But it's quite unusual and embarrassing to be stripped all the way down for a physical exam. I wrote a similar article a long time ago. → https://kunex2-project.net/diary/moe-situation-4/ (Sorry, this is written in Japanese only.) Thank you for sharing your experience!
2023-03-31 20:59:10 Thank you for your comment and your kind words! Hospitals are another place where situations known as CFNM are likely to occur. But it's quite unusual and embarrassing to be stripped all the way down for a physical exam. I wrote a similar article a long time ago. → https://kunex2-project.net/diary/moe-situation-4/ (Sorry, this is written in Japanese only.) Thank you for sharing your experience!

Thank you for your comment and your kind words! Hospitals are another place where situations known as CFNM are likely to occur. But it's quite unusual and embarrassing to be stripped all the way down for a physical exam. I wrote a similar article a long time ago. → https://kunex2-project.net/diary/moe-situation-4/ (Sorry, this is written in Japanese only.) Thank you for sharing your experience!

ku (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-03 02:49:21 Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the character's expression! Please don't feel bad about changing the plan! Thank you very much for your generous support. I hope you will support me in any way you like!
2023-03-31 20:59:41 Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the character's expression! Please don't feel bad about changing the plan! Thank you very much for your generous support. I hope you will support me in any way you like!

Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed the character's expression! Please don't feel bad about changing the plan! Thank you very much for your generous support. I hope you will support me in any way you like!

Nessbutt (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-03 02:49:22 My fault for not knowing Japanese haha. Google translate helped. Very nice story.
2023-03-31 21:10:55 My fault for not knowing Japanese haha. Google translate helped. Very nice story.

My fault for not knowing Japanese haha. Google translate helped. Very nice story.

JLerd111 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-03 02:49:19 It’s so nice to see this moment in color. Thanks. :) I hope will see the third part soon. Your works are really great and unique.
2023-04-03 01:06:26 It’s so nice to see this moment in color. Thanks. :) I hope will see the third part soon. Your works are really great and unique.

It’s so nice to see this moment in color. Thanks. :) I hope will see the third part soon. Your works are really great and unique.

ku (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-25 15:50:48 Thank you for your commnet! I apologize for the delay in publishing the third part. I will do my best to complete it as soon as possible.
2023-04-05 11:30:40 Thank you for your commnet! I apologize for the delay in publishing the third part. I will do my best to complete it as soon as possible.

Thank you for your commnet! I apologize for the delay in publishing the third part. I will do my best to complete it as soon as possible.

風舟 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 18:55:30 リメイクというかifになっちゃうんですけど、リミットバスのお風呂で見せなかった方が見られるパターンも見てみたいです 兼森君とか気になります
2023-04-17 16:43:52 リメイクというかifになっちゃうんですけど、リミットバスのお風呂で見せなかった方が見られるパターンも見てみたいです 兼森君とか気になります

リメイクというかifになっちゃうんですけど、リミットバスのお風呂で見せなかった方が見られるパターンも見てみたいです 兼森君とか気になります

ku (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-27 18:55:30 コメントありがとうございます! 兼森くん!このFANBOXのトップ絵にもなんとなくで描いてみましたが、気に入っていただけて嬉しいです笑 if系のパラレルも面白そうですね。 また別でリクエストの場等も作ろうかと思いますが、頭に留めておきますね(´ω`)
2023-04-19 11:26:11 コメントありがとうございます! 兼森くん!このFANBOXのトップ絵にもなんとなくで描いてみましたが、気に入っていただけて嬉しいです笑 if系のパラレルも面白そうですね。 また別でリクエストの場等も作ろうかと思いますが、頭に留めておきますね(´ω`)

コメントありがとうございます! 兼森くん!このFANBOXのトップ絵にもなんとなくで描いてみましたが、気に入っていただけて嬉しいです笑 if系のパラレルも面白そうですね。 また別でリクエストの場等も作ろうかと思いますが、頭に留めておきますね(´ω`)

K.miyazato (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-06 06:55:33 初コメです。スッパダカシリーズの一蓮托生編は、Kune先生の作品の中でも過去一の最高傑作だと思っています💘男子全員をスッパダカにして女子の好奇の目に晒されて欲しい💘最後は男子全員が絶対服従ポーズで一列に並んで、無毛の可愛い皮被りちんちんを突き出す圧巻シーンを期待しています💘
2023-08-02 10:53:43 初コメです。スッパダカシリーズの一蓮托生編は、Kune先生の作品の中でも過去一の最高傑作だと思っています💘男子全員をスッパダカにして女子の好奇の目に晒されて欲しい💘最後は男子全員が絶対服従ポーズで一列に並んで、無毛の可愛い皮被りちんちんを突き出す圧巻シーンを期待しています💘


ku (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-06 06:55:33 コメントどうもです!スッパダカ~を気に入っていただけて嬉しいです! 風呂敷広げ過ぎて大変な感じですが、なんとかいい感じにまとめられるように頑張ります(´ω`)
2023-08-04 14:22:08 コメントどうもです!スッパダカ~を気に入っていただけて嬉しいです! 風呂敷広げ過ぎて大変な感じですが、なんとかいい感じにまとめられるように頑張ります(´ω`)

コメントどうもです!スッパダカ~を気に入っていただけて嬉しいです! 風呂敷広げ過ぎて大変な感じですが、なんとかいい感じにまとめられるように頑張ります(´ω`)