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More stuff i dont really think is worth a single post so i just post the bunch of them.

a few of them were practice for coloring and art style, the god of war one was more of me wanting to draw the official fem kratos because i like her. Mary Jane She Venom i did cause i was having a conversation about spider-man and i thought mary jane as venom would have been really cool in the ps5 game instead of her being scream and she'd be like a yandere type girl or something :p . The mexican and chinese milfs were for an idea i had where a couple of explorer moms would go and get treasure and stuff from ancient places each one of them is loving and caring but when they are together they cant stand each other and become the worst people ever and they get banged by ancient creatures like uh tomb raider. The Millers i had the idea of them being a couple that did porn on the internet and that's it AND to finish the egipcian girl is a redesign of the Goddess Ra design i did a while ago because i wanted to give it more of my style and make her look more of a god than before. that's about it! hope you guys like it ! it is the start of a new month and to be honest i wanted to get these out of the way before posting the newest drawings :p

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Mary-Jane as Venom sounds like a pretty cool idea for a story.


You should definitively give those milfs another chance ;)


Would love to see more of the Millers and explorer moms in the future