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下面短篇小说,P站:轩辕小天,赞助创作。 “就这?我还以为在东区作乱的魔物~会是什么了不得的大家伙呢…没想到居然是只史莱姆…”正在例行巡逻的小英雄“森罗白树”发现了最近祸害东区的罪魁祸首,掉以轻心的他根本没把眼前这个蠢萌蠢萌的小史莱姆放在眼里 “看我的,万物生长!”白树迅速凝聚体内蕴含的草属性魔力,单手拍地、摆了一个帅气的姿势,将魔力释放到周围的土壤中。在白树的魔力供给下附近的草木迅速生长,几根拔地而起的藤蔓一下就扎穿了眼前的小魔物 “果然又是一招解决…区区一只小史莱姆~真没劲”白树重新起身,拍拍手心的灰尘,得意地咧起嘴角,然而当他仔细观察目标的时候异变陡生… “嗯?什么!魔~魔力被吸收了!”白树诧异地注视着眼前已经成长到比他还巨大的史莱姆,圆球状的身体周围环绕着几根透明的液态触手,附近拔地而起的草木全都被吸干了魔力,完全枯萎下来 “哼~有点意思啊,接下来我要动真格的了…看招…额唔!额唔唔!什么!”没等白树做出反应,眼前这只邪恶的史莱姆就已经发动了攻击。 在魔力的催动下,白树周边的草丛中猛然窜出几根嘀嗒着淡蓝色液体的史莱姆触手,这些灵巧的触手先束缚住白树右手手腕、用力向下拉扯,分散白树的注意力。紧接着,这只狡猾的史莱姆趁其不备,控制那些早已埋伏在白树脚下的液态触手缠绕上白树的小腿,从他膝盖出发向着胯间的鼓包迅速前进,它们俏皮地撕扯着覆盖大腿的紧身衣,从两腿之间钻过去,将自己黏腻的淡蓝色体液涂满小英雄的屁缝,慢慢摩擦股沟,一点一点地挑起白树的情欲 “变~变态!!”突然被这样袭击敏感部位,来不及做出反应的白树只好脸色羞红地唾骂了一句,手忙脚乱地抵御触手的侵犯,这时候他已经自乱阵脚失去了分寸 接下来,山包一样的史莱姆本体整个扑了过来,结结实实地给他来了一个“熊抱”,把白树吸收镶嵌进表面,如此一来白树就被迫以一种类似狗刨游泳的姿势被史莱姆禁锢住四肢和脖子,根本无法挣脱。 “嗯唔~遭…糟糕…英雄战衣~英雄战衣已经…不…不要!”奋力挣扎的白树感受到无数的黏稠液体就像手掌一样隔着这层薄薄的战衣抚摸自己的身体。小腹的几块腹肌和凹陷的肚脐,胸口的粉嫩乳头和手臂附近的敏感腋窝都成了史莱姆攻击的对象,吮吸、拨弄,骚扒、挠痒……各种各样的折磨方式层出不穷。 史莱姆还重点关照着白树的隐私部位,先是透明的触手捆绑着白树那两条结实的大腿,紧接着蠕动的液体块包裹住大腿内侧的私密处,慢慢施加压力,上下摩擦……在这种接连刺激之下,白树的肉棒很快就撑起英雄战衣,金鸡独立起来。经验丰富的史莱姆控制着自己涌动的液体迅速连根包裹住这根英雄肉棒,着重刺激敏感的龟头和冠状区域,模拟出一个完全适配的液态飞机杯,震动碾压着白树的鸡鸡,试图榨出蕴含魔力的英雄精液。 “不…不行…一定要~要快点挣脱,这样下去~会败北的…”白树咬咬牙,下定决心之后,他挣扎的幅度开始加大…可惜此刻被禁锢在这种柔软液体中的他,就像不慎落水的失足少年一样,越是奋力挣扎,他的体力就越会快速消耗。 “唔嗯?脚底!!!”现在白树绝大部分的身体都被厚重的液体覆盖,之前那些相对细小的分支触手失去了进攻的目标,只好把注意力转移到暴露在外的脚掌上。它们分出三部分,一部分纠缠着白树的几颗脚趾,蠕动自己黏滑的躯体,来来回回地穿过趾缝,在这几条小峡谷里疯狂摩擦;还有一部分在顶端长出穴口状的吻部,将几颗趾球含入嘴中,就像舔弄巧克力雪球一样利用腔穴的蠕动来吮吸这些敏感的趾球;剩下一部分把他足心的肉垫当成练手的沙包,左勾拳,右勾拳…黏糊糊的小触手抽打在足弓和脚心上给白树这个小英雄带来一阵阵燥热难耐的瘙痒, “哈哈~啊哈哈,别,别挠了,哈哈哈”没过一会儿,白树脸上就呈现出一副爽得扭曲的淫笑。在史莱姆的脚底攻势下,一阵接着一阵酥麻的蚁走电流从他足底遍及身体的每一处孔窍。他不得不弓起脚掌,努力挣扎,时而收拢那几颗趾球簇拥在自己前脚掌周围,拱卫敏感的足心,时而猛地舒张脚趾将脚底的弱点暴露在外… 但是就在他将注意力集中在足底的时候,阴险的史莱姆控制着一根粗壮的触手插入了白树那枚相对放松的屁穴… “什么!?”白树防守薄弱的后穴一下就被触手轻松攻破防线,紧接着触手不断抽插、扭动,一次又一次顶撞在敏感的腔内区域,隔着这层内壁肆意冲撞附近的前列腺小球,在里面吐出史莱姆一族的特殊分泌物,可以有效促进猎物的发情。 这个时候抚弄白树肉棒的史莱姆液也同步行动起来,他们加足马力,在原本的真空腔穴内分化出一根细长的触手就像锁链一样从根部缠绕住白树的肉棒,就像手掌一样握住跳动的棍身,收缩扭动,开始人工榨取,白树这个被捕获囚禁在史莱姆肉壁中的小英雄只能苦苦忍耐着全身上下无所不至的强烈快感,在这个肉欲的囚牢中徒劳挣扎… “唔嗯~嗯额,噫惹~额唔~眼皮,眼皮好累,魔力~魔力在流失…噫呜嗯!喔噢!额呜唔!”随着榨取过程的继续推进,一股昏昏沉沉的脱力感朝着白树的大脑席卷而来,接着一小段细小的精液流从两颗蛋蛋中被迫挤出,钻进了输精管,来到尿道,渗出马眼…尿道里滑动带来的快感就像打开了压死骆驼的最后一根稻草,激得白树瞪大双眼,半张着小嘴,胯下的肉棒猛地向前一挺,一大股乳白色的英雄精液就这么喷射在史莱姆肉腔之中,尝到了一丝甜头的魔物自然想要变本加厉,继续迫害这个沦落在自己手里的小英雄,等待着白树的将会是他终生难忘的榨取地狱。 吃饱喝足之后,这只史莱姆满意地蠕动起自己硕大的躯体钻入下水道,只留下一个败北的少年英雄凄惨地倒在不为人知的阴暗角落里。白树四肢乏力、瞳孔涣散,胸前的被拨弄到勃起激凸的双乳在这层已经被史莱姆液完全濡湿的紧身战衣映衬下显得分外色情,被吸干了体力和魔力的他只能四脚朝天地仰躺在角落边上的垃圾桶里,等待同伴的救援。他身上支离破碎的半透明英雄战衣勾勒出漂亮的肌肉轮廓和身体曲线,那双高高抬起的脚掌经过触手的壁足教育已经变得充血红肿,足弓、足心和趾缝都被黏腻透明的史莱姆液包裹糊满,远远观望就像晶莹剔透的冰糖葫芦一样秀色可餐。白树岔开的大腿之间半勃起的英雄肉棒还在一跳一跳地抖动,时不时甩落几滴珍贵的少年精华,那两颗被彻底榨空存货、略显干瘪的蛋蛋无精打采地低垂在肉棒根部,再也不复以往生机勃勃的神采。伴随着白树低沉的呼吸,他那鼓胀的小腹一上一下地缓缓起伏,一股粘稠清澈的史莱姆体液从白树那枚被抽插肏干到软糜红肿的屁穴中汩汩流出,…不愿意接受自己战败事实的小英雄嘴里还在不断轻声呢喃着自我催眠“…这不是真的…这是梦…这一定是个梦” 次の短編小説、(Pixiv:轩辕小天)協賛創作。翻訳内容は翻訳ソフトで翻訳しますので、ご了承ください。 「これだけ?東区で暴れてる魔物だと思ってたけど…何が大変なんだろう…スレイムだとは…」いつもパトロール中のヒーロー「森羅白樹」は、最近東区に災いをもたらした張本人を発見し、油断した彼は目の前のこの愚かで萌えたスライムを眼中に置かなかった 「私のを見て、万物が成長します!」白木は体内に含まれる草属性の魔力を素早く凝縮し、片手で地面をたたき、かっこいいポーズをとり、魔力を周囲の土壌に放出する。白い木の魔力の供給で近くの草木は急速に成長し、何本かの地を抜いたつるが目の前の小さな魔物を突き刺した。 白树は立ち上がり、手のひらのほこりをたたき、得意げに口元をゆがめたが、目标をよく観察すると异変が急に... 「え?なに!魔~魔力が吸収された!」目の前に成長した巨大なスライムを目の前で見つめていた白木は、丸い球状の体の周りに透明な液体の触手が何本か囲まれていて、近くで地面を抜いた草木が魔力を吸い取られ、完全に枯れてしまった。 「ふふ~ちょっとおもしろかったな、これから本格的にやるから…ほら…ふーん!ふーん!なに!」白樹が反応するのを待たずに、目の前の邪悪なスライムが攻撃を仕掛けた。 魔力に触られて、白い木の周りの草むらの中から、淡い青い液体をバタバタさせたスライムの触手が何本か飛び出した。これらの器用な触手は、白い木の右手の手首を縛り、力を入れて下に引っ張り、白い木の注意力を分散させた。続いて、このずるいスライムはその準備ができていないうちに、白い木の足元に待ち伏せしていた液体の触手が白い木の足を巻いて、膝から股の間のドラムバッグに向かって急速に前進し、太ももを覆うタイツをしゃれて引き裂いて、両足の間を潜って、自分のべたべたした薄い青い体液をヒーローの屁の隙間に塗って、ゆっくりと股の溝を摩擦しました。白木の情欲を少しずつかきたてる 「変~変态!!」そんな敏感な部分を突かれ、反応が間に合わなくなった白樹は、恥ずかしそうな顔をして罵声を吐いた。 次に、山包のようなスライム本体が飛びかかってきて、しっかりと「熊抱っこ」をして、白い木を吸収して表面に埋め込んだ。そうすると、白い木は犬が泳いでいるような姿勢でスライムに四肢と首を閉じ込められ、抜け出すことができなかった。 「ふむ~されて…やばい…英雄戦衣~英雄戦衣はもう…いや…いや!」必死にもがく白木は、無数の粘稠な液体が手のひらのように薄い戦衣を隔てて自分の体をなでているのを感じた。小腹のいくつかの腹筋とへそがくぼんでいて、胸のピンクの乳首と腕の近くの敏感な腋窩がスライムの攻撃の対象になっていて、吸ったり、いじったり、かき回したり、かゆいところをかいたり......いろいろな苦しみ方が次々と現れています。 スライムはまた、白樹のプライバシー部位を重点的に配慮し、まず透明な触手で白樹の2本の丈夫な太ももを縛り、続いて蠕動した液体の塊で太ももの内側のプライベートなところを包み、ゆっくりと圧力をかけ、上下に摩擦を加える......このような刺激の下で、白樹の肉棒はすぐに英雄戦衣を支え、金鶏は独立した。経験豊富なスライムは自分の湧き出る液体を制御して急速にこの英雄肉棒を根ごと包み、敏感な亀頭と冠状領域を刺激することに重点を置き、完全に適当な液体飛行機カップをシミュレートし、白い木を轢いた鶏を揺さぶって、魔力を含む英雄精液を搾り出そうとした。 白树は歯を食いしばって决心した后、もがきの幅が大きくなった…。今、この柔软な液体に闭じ込められている彼は、水に落ちた足を踏み外した少年のように、もがくほど体力が消耗する。 「ふうん?足元!!」今では白い木のほとんどの体が重い液体で覆われており、比較的細い分岐触手が攻撃の目標を失い、外に露出した足の裏に注意を移すしかない。それらは3つの部分を分けて、一部は白い木のいくつかの足の指に付きまとって、自分のべたべたした体を蠕動して、指の隙間を何度も通り抜けて、このいくつかの小さな峡谷の中で狂って摩擦します;一部は先端に穴の口状のキス部が生え、いくつかの指球を口に含み、チョコレートの雪球を舐めるように空洞の蠕動を利用して敏感な指球を吸う。残りの一部は彼の足の心の肉のマットを練習手の砂の包みにして、左の勾拳、右の勾拳...べたべたした小さな触手は足の弓と足の心の上で白樹のこの小さい英雄に1陣の燥熱して耐えられないかゆみを持ってきて、 「ははは~はは、はは、かくな、はははは」しばらくすると、白い木の顔には爽やかで歪んだ淫笑が現れた。スライムの足の裏の攻勢の下で、しばらく続いてしびれたアリが電流を流して彼の足の底から体のすべての穴に広がった。彼は足の裏を丸くしてもがくように努力しなければならなくて、时にはそのいくつかの指のボールを収めて自分の前の足の裏の周りに群がって、敏感な足の心をアーチして、时には足の指を急に伸ばして足の裏の弱点を外に暴露します... しかし、彼が足の底に集中している間に、陰険なスライムは太い触手をコントロールして白い木の比較的リラックスした屁の穴に挿入した。 「なに!?白樹は守備の弱い後穴を触手が簡単に防御線を破った後、触手が絶えず挿入し、ねじって、敏感な腔内領域に何度も突き当たり、この内壁を隔てて近くの前立腺小球に勝手に衝突し、中でスライム族の特殊な分泌物を吐き出し、獲物の発情を効果的に促進することができる。 この時、白い木の肉棒をなでるスライム液も同時に行動し、彼らは馬力を加えて、元の真空穴の中で細長い触手が鎖のように根元から白い木の肉棒を巻いて、手のひらのように跳ねる棒を握って、収縮してねじって、人工的に搾取し始めた。白树という捕らえられたスライムの肉の壁に囚われたヒーローは、全身の上下に届かない强い快感に耐え、この肉欲の牢屋で无駄にもがく... 「うむ~うむ、ぴりぴり~うむ~まぶた、まぶたが疲れて、魔力~魔力が流れている…うううう!うむ!」搾取過程が進むにつれて、ぼんやりとした脱力感が白い木の脳に向かって席巻し、小さな精液が2つの卵から押し出され、輸精管に潜り込んで尿道に出て、馬の目を滲ませた。尿道の滑りがもたらす快感は、ラクダを押し殺した最後のわらを開いたように、白い木が目を丸くし、小さな口を半分開けた。股の下の肉棒は猛烈に前へ突き進んで、大きな乳白色の英雄精液はこのようにスライムの肉腔の中で噴射して、少し甘い頭の魔物を味わって自然にもっと激しくなりたいと思って、この自分の手に落ちた小さな英雄を迫害し続けて、白い木を待っているのは彼の一生忘れられない搾取地獄です。 満腹になった後、このスライムは満足そうに自分の大きな体を蠕動して下水道に潜り込み、敗北した少年英雄が惨めに知られていない暗い隅に倒れただけだった。白い木は四肢がだるくて、瞳がゆるんでいて、胸の前の勃起した両乳をかき分けられて、この階ですでにスライム液に完全に濡れたタイツの戦衣に映されてとてもエロくて、体力と魔力を吸い取られた彼は四足で隅のゴミ箱に仰向けに横になって、仲間の救援を待つしかなかった。彼の体の支離滅裂な半透明の英雄戦衣はきれいな筋肉の輪郭と体の曲線を描き出して、あの高く持ち上げた足の裏は触手の壁の足の教育を経てすでに充血して赤く腫れて、足の弓、足の心と指の隙間はすべてべたべたして透明なスライム液に包まれて糊だらけで、遠くから見ると透き通った氷糖葫芦のように美しい。白い木が分かれた太ももの間に半勃起した英雄の肉棒はまだドキドキして震えていて、時々貴重な少年の精華を何滴か落として、その2つの徹底的に在庫を搾り取られて、少しぺこぺこになった卵は元気なく肉棒の根元に垂れ下がっていて、二度と生き生きとした神採はありません。白い木の低い呼吸に伴って、彼の膨れ上がった小腹は上がったり来たりしてゆっくりと起伏して、1筋の粘稠で澄んだスライムの体液が白い木のあの抽挿されて柔らかくて赤く腫れている屁の穴の中でボロボロと流れ出て、...自分の敗戦の事実を受け入れたくない小さい英雄の口の中でまだ軽々しく自己催眠をつぶやいています"...これは本当ではありません...これは夢です...これはきっと夢です" The following short story, Pixiv: 轩辕小天, sponsored creation.The translation content is translated by translation software, please understand. "That's it? I thought the devil making trouble in the east area would be a great big guy... Unexpectedly, it was a slim..." the little hero "Senluo white tree" on routine patrol found the culprit of the recent disaster in the east area. He took it lightly. He didn't pay attention to the stupid slim in front of him "Look at me, everything grows!" The white tree quickly condensed the grass attribute magic contained in the body, patted the ground with one hand and posed in a handsome posture, releasing the magic into the surrounding soil. Under the magic power of the white tree, the nearby vegetation grew rapidly, and several vines rose from the ground and pierced the little demon in front of you "Sure enough, it's another move to solve... Just a little slim ~ it's boring." Bai Shu got up again, patted the dust in his palm and grinned proudly. However, when he carefully observed the target, he suddenly changed "Hmm? What! The magic has been absorbed!" The white tree stared at shrem, who had grown bigger than him in front of him in surprise. Several transparent liquid tentacles surrounded his spherical body. All the plants and trees that had sprung up nearby were sucked dry and withered completely "Hum ~ it's a little interesting. Next, I'm going to be serious... Look at the move... Uh huh! Uh huh! What!" Before the white tree reacted, the evil shrem had launched an attack. Under the urging of magic, several slim tentacles ticking light blue liquid suddenly sprang out of the grass around the white tree. These dexterous tentacles first bound the white tree's right wrist and pulled down to distract the white tree's attention. Then, taking advantage of his unprepared, the cunning shrem controlled the liquid tentacles already ambushed at the foot of the white tree, wrapped them around the white tree's lower legs, started from his knees and quickly moved forward towards the drum between his hips. They playfully tore the tights covering his thighs, drilled between their legs, coated their sticky light blue body fluid with the little hero's fart seams, and slowly rubbed their groins, Little by little, he provoked the lust of the white tree "Metamorphosis!!" Suddenly, Bai Shu, who had no time to respond to such an attack on sensitive parts, had to spit with a blushing face and hurriedly resist the invasion of tentacles. At this time, he had lost his sense of propriety Next, the whole body of slim, like a mountain bag, rushed over and gave him a "bear hug" to absorb and inlay the white tree into the surface. In this way, the white tree was forced to be imprisoned by slim on his limbs and neck in a posture similar to dog planing and swimming. "Uh huh... Bad... Hero's suit ~ hero's suit has... No... no!" The struggling white tree felt countless viscous liquids, just like the palm of his hand, stroking his body through this thin war clothes. The abdominal muscles of the lower abdomen, the sunken navel, the pink nipples on the chest and the sensitive armpits near the arms have become the targets of shrem's attack. Sucking, teasing, pickling and scratching... All kinds of torture methods emerge one after another. Shrem also focused on the private parts of the white tree. First, the transparent tentacles bound the two strong thighs of the white tree, and then the peristaltic liquid block wrapped the private part inside the thigh, slowly applied pressure and rubbed up and down... Under this continuous stimulation, the white tree's meat stick soon supported the hero's war clothes and became independent. The experienced shrem controls his surging liquid, quickly wraps the hero meat stick by roots, focuses on stimulating the sensitive glans and coronal area, simulates a fully suitable liquid aircraft cup, vibrates the chicken rolling the white tree, and tries to squeeze out the hero's semen containing magic. "No... no... we must break away quickly. If we go on like this, we will lose..." Bai Shu clenched his teeth. After he made up his mind, his struggle began to increase... Unfortunately, he was imprisoned in this soft liquid at the moment, just like a juvenile who accidentally fell into the water. The more he struggled, the faster his physical strength would be consumed. "Hmm? Soles of feet!!!" Now most of the white tree's body is covered with heavy liquid. Before, those relatively small branch tentacles lost their attack target and had to turn their attention to the exposed soles of their feet. They are divided into three parts. One part entangles several toes of the white tree, wriggles its sticky body, passes through the toe cracks back and forth, and rubs madly in these small canyons; Another part grows a hole mouth like kiss at the top, containing several toe balls into the mouth, just like licking chocolate snowballs, using the peristalsis of cavity holes to suck these sensitive toe balls; The rest took the meat pad of his foot heart as a sandbag for hand training, left hook fist, right hook fist... The sticky little tentacles beat on the arch and center of his foot, bringing bursts of hot and unbearable itching to the little hero Bai Shu, "Ha ha, ha ha, don't scratch, ha ha ha" after a while, Bai Shu's face showed a twisted and cool smile. Under the attack of shrem's soles, a burst of numb ants walked from the soles of his feet to every hole of his body. He had to bow the soles of his feet and struggle hard. Sometimes he gathered those toe balls around the soles of his front feet, arched the sensitive foot center, and sometimes suddenly relaxed his toes to expose the weakness of the soles of his feet But just as he focused on the soles of his feet, the sinister slim controlled a strong tentacle and inserted it into the relatively relaxed fart hole of the white tree "What!?" White tree's weak defensive back hole was easily broken through the defense line by the tentacle. Then the tentacle kept pulling, inserting and twisting, bumping into the sensitive cavity area again and again, wantonly bumping into the nearby prostate ball across the inner wall, spitting out the special secretion of the shrem family, which can effectively promote the estrus of the prey. At this time, the shrem liquid stroking the white tree meat stick also acted synchronously. They increased their horsepower, differentiated a slender tentacle in the original vacuum cavity, wrapped the white tree meat stick from the root like a chain, held the beating stick body like a palm, shrunk and twisted, and began to extract it manually, Bai Shu, the little hero captured and imprisoned in the flesh wall of shrem, can only endure the strong pleasure all over his body and struggle in vain in this flesh prison "Eh, eh, eh, eh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah With the continuous progress of the extraction process, a faint sense of detachment swept towards Bai Shu's brain, and then a small section of semen was forced out of the two eggs, got into the vas deferens, came to the urethra, and exuded horse eyes... The pleasure brought by sliding in the urethra was like opening the last straw that crushed the camel, which excited Bai Shu to stare at his eyes and half open his mouth, The meat stick under the crotch jerked forward, and a large stream of milky white hero semen was sprayed into the meat cavity of slim. The demon who tasted a trace of sweetness naturally wanted to intensify and continue to persecute the little hero who was reduced to his own hands. Waiting for Bai Shu will be the hell he will never forget. After eating and drinking, the shrem squirmed his huge body into the sewer with satisfaction, leaving only a defeated young hero to fall sadly in an unknown dark corner. Bai Shu's limbs are weak, his pupils are lax, and his breasts, which have been poked to erect, are particularly pornographic against the backdrop of this layer of tights that have been completely wetted with shrem liquid. After absorbing his physical strength and magic, he can only lie on his back in the garbage can at the corner, waiting for his companions' rescue. The fragmented translucent hero's war clothes on his body outline the beautiful muscle contour and body curve. The high raised soles of his feet have become congested and swollen after the wall foot education of his tentacles. The arch, foot heart and toe seams are covered with sticky and transparent shrem liquid. From a distance, they are as beautiful as crystal clear ice sugar gourd. In the blues, the half erected hero's meat stick is still jumping and jumping, and occasionally dropping a few precious juvenile essence. The two eggs, which are completely squeezed and slightly dried up, droop in the roots of the meat stick, and no longer live full of vigour. With Bai Shu's deep breathing, his bulging belly fluctuated slowly up and down, and a thick and clear shrem body fluid gurgled out of Bai Shu's dry, soft, red and swollen fart hole,... The little hero who was unwilling to accept the fact of his defeat was still whispering self hypnosis "... It's not true... It's a dream... It must be a dream."




So wonderful!! Thanks for drawing more of this awesome hero in his suit 😻