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Hi Everyone,

This week showcases me getting back into development for the Bindmancer. So let's get into it.

1: What's New?

So shaking off the dust this week was me getting back into the build and looking to fix a few bugs and playability issues first. I'll run over what I got done!

First off was fixing some of the timing issues with the chest open and prisoner freeing puzzle.

Previously if you rapidly tapped once you got a successful input you could cheese out the other two taps. Now you can't do that.

I've also just tightened up the acceptance bars a little more so that it's slightly more challenging!

I've also added a "Spacebar" UI element to all non-combat areas of interaction that's applicable. As I got feedback that some people didn't understand that you needed to press the spacebar button.

And finally, I've re-done the name and health displays for enemies. On the visible end the text and heath bar will be a bit more sharper to see. On the back end they're all now a generic asset and will be easier to apply over to make a full enemy.

2: What's Next?

The next week will be spent doing more quality of life and bug fixing. There's a range of feedback accumulated over the past two months and I want to do my best to address the biggest issues before moving on to work on new content.

But new content will come! Just taking some time to polish up aspects of what's already there.


- Caroo



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