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Hi everyone!

Progress this week was great so allow me to show off how the Roxy Animation Pack is coming along!

1: What's New?

A lot of time this week was Spent on game logic and UI.

Here we can see the current UI aspects. This animation set has many different parts and some are dependent on what genitals Roxy has sporting. So it's communicated in the part sequence UI at the bottom.

Another thing worked on was the UI and interaction for the body part choices that you choose at the start of the animation set. Button animations and making sure the sequence is timed well.

It took a few days to code a few aspects of the logic for this. Including being able to go back and re-select a new body part after the fact!

Animation work only started on Friday this week due to the work on the backend and the UI and extra assets created. but here's a sample of one of the first tickling animations. The Tail wagging is coming along great! Heheh. >:D

But overall it's been a productive week, even if I am getting humbled by the scope of what I've created.

2: What's Next?

Next week is more of the same work in Unity! It'll be more animation work, more back-end logic and more UI polish I have 30/32 animations still to do!

I think the release date for this project is getting pushed back 1 more week. The body part customization aspect has added more complexity to the project then prior animation sets. So I expect at this point for the Animation Set to be released around mid November.



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