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Hi everyone!

I've got some fun animation work to show off. So let's get into it!

1: What's New?

So this week was spent mostly in Unity and its animation software to create the animations needed for the boss battle!

Firstly we can see how the boss looks how that it has some Unity set color to it! I think I still need to play around with the values a little but for now settled on a purple/violet color.

And of course their prisoner encased in so many tentacles.

As we can see on the intro I've got the boss moving to the beat like so many other entities in the game. As well as changing their expressions.

I've made a few more expressions and as the battle progresses I'll add some more as the boss gets progressively defeated.

A good chunk of time this week was also spent making the animations for all of the tentacle pits and their telegraphed attacks.

So overall for now the boss battle is coming together quite nicely!

2: What's Next?

Next week will be more animation work and more refinement of the boss battle as it progresses.

There's other things needing to be done for it to make it fun. More reactions from the boss and the prisoner as it's getting defeated and just general art and gameplay polish.

The event is playable from start to end but some aspects of it are still quite rough, such as freeing the prisoner after defeating the boss. Right now it just sorta happens and there needs to be more to it.

Also need to make proper art for the door asset.

So still 2-3 weeks of work to go I think, but we're over the hump of this feature and I'm excited to get it into your hands this month!

- Caroo



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