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Hi everyone!

I've got some boss battle progress to report on today! Not as much as I would've hoped to get done this week but I had a few distractions come up out of work. But lets go through what I've done.

1: What's New?

This week was split between doing refined artwork in photoshop and continuing to work on the gameplay logic.

On the artwork side it's a slow start but I'm getting through it. Like many assets the tentacles are going to be rendered in light grey so I can recolor it in unity. So far I've done tentacles for idle, attacking, and exposed. But the big ticket items to work on is obviously the boss and her captive prisoner. I'll be working on that next week!

In addition to the art. Here's what the refined enemy attack pattern logic looks like. Right now there's 9 different attack patterns and where the exposed tentacle appears after an attack is randomized.

Side Tangent: First simple animation using Live 2D

It's unrelated to the Bindmancer and it's not a new animation project. But I did want to show off the first very, very, verrrrry simple animation using Live2D instead of Unity.

Unity is still the program to use for larger animation sets like the ones I release due to the interactive element. But I wanted to learn a program like Live2D as a faster workflow to take pictures and animate them.

This is an example of a just-for-fun heavy bondage pic I did over the past week now wiggling in a repeating loop. My first animation using Live2D.

What do you think?

2: What's Next?

Next week is 100% artwork generation in photoshop. Making the art assets needed for the boss battle! I should have some more interesting art to show off then!

And that's it for this week! A bit of a short post but I hope you enjoy seeing the progress!


- Caroo



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