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Hi everyone!

It's a short roundup this week but progress has been made on the gallery feature!

1: What's New?

So the work done this week was mainly on filling out the image and written content on the rest of the current gallery entries.

Which can be somewhat involved as the gallery needs to be able to display all sorts of assets from static illustrations to animations.

I also added a sixth category to the gallery. Which is all the story entries. So players will have a place they can see all the entries in a linear fashion.

And finally this week I added some logic in the dungeon so you can't open and close the gallery UI when you're not supposed to. Such as when you're in the options menu or a level is starting or ending.

2: What's Next?

With all the current content in the gallery and with the logic for open and closing it set now what's left is the art for it and the unlocking logic.

I'm exploring a new save system to help with the unlocking system. I think if I can implement it, it would make saving aspects of the game such as the gallery feature more reliable and tied to events that would unlock a piece of the gallery: IE: Get a game over, get a game over gallery entry.

The Gallery Feature is coming soon!


- Caroo



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