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Here's your one-stop-shop for downloading all the in-development and full video games I've created as well as all the Animation Packs I've made: NOTE: All Games are made to be run by unzipping the contents of the download and running the games .exe file. Games in Development: Completed Games: Who...


Hi everyone!

I've got lots of fun and squirmy Gifs to show you this week. There's no new build this week but I may be able to get a new one out for next weekly roundup though!

1: What's New?

More Reactive Struggles:

I was some feedback last week that got me to commit to this bit of work this week: I had put in reactive struggles into the slime enemy last week and people liked it to the point where it being missing in other struggle animations felt odd.

So this week I decided to do that extra polish work for the rest of the struggle states for the Bindmancer Hero:

For the Golem bondage the character jerks in the direction you struggle in. So there's 4 quick animations attached to that.

For the Mimic chest there's 3 different quick jerk animations that can play when you struggle as well.

But the most work went into updating the Tentacle trap encounter!

I went and did the art for the tentacles breaking up once that section had been defeated. As well as creating new animations where the character tenses up when fighting back.

Overall I think all these extra bits of visual reward and feedback on interacting helps give the game a bit more polish!

Beat UI and Stamina experimentation:

Something I'm experimenting with is the main dungeon UI and stream lining the Beat UI display.

Originally the beat UI was inspired from Necrodancer but the further along the Bindmancer has come along the more diverse the gameplay and minute to minute experience has become. I always wanted the game to be easier to play so I like the idea that a lot of the visual nature of the game moves to the beat, even if not every aspect of the game is beat-driven.

So I'm experimenting with having the beat UI only pop-up in the contexts in which it's used to interact with other aspects of the environment, such as unlocking a chest or freeing a prisoner.

I'm also experimenting with removing the stamina system, as the point of it was to be a "Mistake buffer" for failing to move and attack to the beat.

I plan to have this version ready to play for the next build and would love feedback on how people think the game plays with these changes. :D

2: What's Next?

Next week is finishing up the current gameplay experimentations I'm doing, making a stable build and getting it in front of you all to play. I want to work on making the willpower health display more clear to understand and interesting as well.


- Caroo



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