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晚上好,這次是畫百鬼夜行小球藻觀察部的雜魚醬,粉色造型加上可愛的頭身比例,讓她當時一登場我就想畫她XD 衣服畫了兩套,總共是34張差分,希望各位會喜歡喇。 Good evening, this time I am drawing Mob-chan from Hyakki Yakou Chlorella Observation Club. Her pink shape and cute head-to-body ratio made me want to draw her as soon as she appeared on the scene XD I drew two sets of clothes, a total of 34 pictures of differences, I hope you will like them. Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11mMvdZrCU_c-_R88qxjwOcftzcnYbF4_/view?usp=drive_link



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