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Okayyyyy, this is a tricky one. This month of saint valentine brutally murdered I will be busy with real life stuffs a little bit, so the work output will be 4 commissions at best and 1 private of course (around 12 pages result). I do cosplays too and may put on private but I don't sure about fanbox policy and it's not a porn so not yet decise. Actually I don't want to do the 'private' but I want those money :P

The commission:

1. DXD = 33/40 last 7 expect to be this month

2. Best selling game, 31.18m this FY = just 1 page

3. Witch = vore 2 page death 1 page as usual

4. White = 6 pages with pure and painfully demise, split into 3-3

5. White (old) = will put to private after owner permission

6. Vore verse (private) = 4/xx on hold as always

If you want specific commission just DM me, can do anything.

The Original works:

Wanna do some but as you see, I think the commission works are more audience satisfaction than my own. Recently I played 'Mad Father Remake' and it ignite me again how much I love the 'death traps' kind of situation. Dead Man House is dry as hell and it's not even my original series but will draw if feel like. Miss P-project characters a little.

Stay safe.


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