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What's up guys?

Let's talk about what I'm doing?

The Marrom Series was supposed to be the Halloween series. It should, because obviously it wasn't ready in time for Halloween :P

Did it take me a while to come up with something for this festive date? Yea!

Did I oversize (again) the script for this series? Yea!

Am I late (again) with the schedule? Yea!

Did I get distracted by other models and skecths of new series (again)? Yea!

Anyway, rest assured, unlike other series, this one doesn't go "to the fridge". It's just going to take me a while to finish it. I'm planning to develop it in 3 acts with different characters and so far only act 1 (zombies) is finished.

The other acts will all have DBZ characters. In addition to Marrom, 8 DBZ characters will appear in this Thriller.

I hope you have some patience. I'm whining. I think I'll be able to please all tastes.

In the meantime, I will be releasing smaller series during this month. I don't know if I'll be able to do 4 pinups, because unless I repeat characters, it's time-consuming to create a character from scratch.

Next week, probably a smaller series will come out starring Aayla Secura and a promising Padawan. In parallel, Marrom's is still under development.

And I already have ideas for this year's Christmas series...

See you.




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