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Skebのリクエストで描いたアズールレーンの睦月ちゃん☆ キャンディでぬぽぬぽしてあま~くなった睦月ちゃんのぷにまんを ぺろぺろしちゃう指揮官☆ 甘くしなくても幼女ぱんつをぺろぺろしてる指揮官バージョンもいます\(^o^)/




It is so kind of Mutsuki to share her candies with you. She even let you have her sweetest most delicious candy. I wonder what fun and exciting games she wants to play tonight. This is amazing work I have always felt Azur Lane's Mutsuki class were perfect for your art. I already have a few ideas for Skeb when you are rested and ready.


感想ありがとうございます! アズールレーンの睦月は初めて描きましたがかわいいキャラで気に入りました(^o^)ノ


I must confess I have never played Azur Lane or any other of these kinds of mobile games myself. I just like to enjoy the cute art they inspire. Azur Lane has so many wonderful animal eared girls it is like a paradise of cuteness. Especially with the Mutsukis. I would pay Yostar a great deal of money to create an Azur Lane spin off all about the Mutsukis going on little adventures and playing together. Healing cuteness for the soul.


アズールレーンの他のキャラクターを調べてみるとケモミミキャラが多くてすばらしいゲームだなと思いました。 良いゲームですね(^o^)