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A Little Peak of My Futa Academia 4 here.... I Think This Series will end...Hopefully in Episode...5? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/107241571 I was Planning this series for like Episode 3 but it always gets longer.... hahaha Those who loves MHA characters, congratulations but those who wanna see the other characters to, Wait for a little more please..:) But I can assure you, the quality will get better :) Enjoy, and This will be uploaded in Pixiv this Weekend and please press a Like and Bookmark...it helps me a lot T^T




Hello, I'm new. I love your animations! I have a question: I would like to know if Rika's Futa Town Life 5 is going to come out, since it is my favorite series.


That is some good shit right there :)


mmm Yeah Maybe 1 episode? probably...I don't know when but i could try considering after finishing My Futa Academia


The series is not finished and I would like to know its end. :D


Nice to meet you, I'm a Japanese who supported me this time. Great work. However, I want to understand the story and know the world view well. I want you to make a Japanese translation


Just wondering if I've missed the link for episode 4?


Number 4 looks grand. Love your work and storylines.


thank you for your reply. I'm very sorry to bother you when you're busy, but I don't care if it's someday. If so, I would like to translate and supplement it here if you can just post the manuscript. I hope you will think about it.