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I like this one more. Do you? https://e621.net/posts/2017368?q=female+feral+pussy+dagasi


Felynes are so cute, love them all 😍


I find your remark extremely rude. “Hey artist I like this edit of your art more than your art. Do you like this edit (which you never authorized) more than the choices you made?” At least when you’re being a jerk, be a jerk in a language the artist understand. He probably has to translate it to understand you.


Yes, that's the plan. Dagasi never took the time to read any of this, so it's not like this matters. Besides, it's just a different facial expression. Wouldn't you like to see faces like that from Dagasi too instead of from edits?


No. I actually like Dagasi’s art specifically because of the pained face. You have many Vanilla artist producing tons of happy sex content for you. Let artist who enjoy non consensual content do what they want. Sorry if your dick is sad.