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最近アップした絵の反応が良かったので、新しい試みをしてみようと思います。 今後は妊娠バージョンを複数のキャラクターにオプションで追加しようと思います。 私が毎月6日に上げる補償絵のオプションに追加されると考えてください。 リクエストの多いqosオプションも追加する予定です。 ちなみに妊娠とqosの場合、ピクシーブに公式的にアップするのはたまにアップするので、私がピクシーブにアップする作品に妊娠とqosがないからといって失望しなくても大丈夫です。 妊娠とqosは私がスケッチ段階であらかじめファンボックスに載せておきます。 私がオプションとして提供する理由は、そのようなものが嫌いな人々のために選択を増やすためです。 ご了承ください。



As long as QOS is optional... excited about Pregnancy variants though


I don't want to see qos.

Greem bang

So I'm adding it as an option. For the fans who like it, we're putting options in options.


Even if fanbox users don't want to see it, aren't they visible on the thumbnail?

Greem bang

I think your words are a little harsh for people who like qos, let's think the other way around. Would you feel good if someone said something bad about what you like? No one attacked you first now. But what you say is an attack.

Greem bang

The QOS content I uploaded earlier did not upload a thumbnail because it could be seen in a bad way by fans who already like it. What you saw is the image shown to the sponsor. It cannot be eliminated. If you're not a sponsor, you won't be able to see the thumbnail of the qos content. I have to satisfy the fans as much as possible, including you.


Personally I don't understand qos at all. Come to think of it, it was only released for 800 yen, so I think I can just change it to 500 yen. Sorry for the inconvenience.