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Thankfully the thugs don't have any idea about Tails' previous girlfriends....right?


The Good Ending


YESSSS!!!!! THIS IS PERFECT!!!! I need more, you nailed her perfectly man, I LOVE THIS!


Fucking solid, the posing and detail of this is nice. Keep up the good work


Well, in fairness you've drawn so much stuff of Tails fucking other girls a little variety is nice! You probably do Sonic girls the best because you appreciate they're small and stacked! Please do Wave sometime in the future :3


woow thanks! I certainly did my best with her. Since she lost in the past poll, I knew this was probably my only chance to draw her, so I did extra time on Vanilla ..and it worked! (ˆᴗˆ


fucking rock hard for her man! hehe thanks, I hope this pleases you as much as it did for me ˆ3ˆ)


It's just that Tails finally ran out of luck :P I can draw Sonic girls nice because I drew them so many times in the past ..so drawing em properly is kinda mandatory at this point tbh. Wave.. I wanna draw her so bad, I already said that in the past, but man, she is as sexy as Rouge!


I just hope that one day I can afford a follow up. I would love to see Tails putting in a video from his ex wife only to see of a video for her pregnant and getting spitroasted!


I could already seem them coopting with his baddest ex at this rate, hehehehe.


hey dont worry about it, someone asked for a follow up already, so it's going to be kinda like that hehe :P


This community is awesome! Thank you random guy who likes what I like! And thank you Angel for continuing to grow as an artist!