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((this was a request made through "Pixiv request"))

Daisy was always the most daring of the 3 princesses, so cheating on her tiny man was kinda expected..specially with the kind of childhood she had :P

Someone! give Luigi a mushroom, so he can pretend he is somehow big (yet.. not big enough) :D


• Yes, new improved filters! these fits along with my style and desire of making it looks like "90's anime"

• I've found out that I'm not that good doing requests when I'm told too many details, so I will update the terms after this :]

• Cheating or Netorare, keep bringing me ideas like that, I love the betrayal hehehe! and thanks for such cruel idea, Daisy seems very popular no matter her age or situation!




(too many images to single post all of them, download and decompress the zip instead)




Great, the composition of it all is impressive. Mainly like daisy's fat butt and tits tho. Hope more stuff with daisy will be done in the future


I think...this is my new favorite image you've done. I love it all.


good, but not as good as I planned, I was going to add more stuff actually, but too many details in the request hold me back, every new thing interfered with some things >_< Yeah, honestly my favorite Princess of nintenduh, hopefully I can unleash something against her again :D


I would agree. Your last animation I was not a fan of but this gives me hope! Daisy is only a princess depending on who you ask!!