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Leaving your son alone with his aunties can be dangerous, especially if they have been single for years!!

..at least we know Bart enjoys his time with family ( ❛⌣❛)♪


I thought a lot about the pairings.. but no one came close to something better than Bart. It's like "mischievous shota ~VS~ pent up aunties".. so fvcking good to let it pass.


I honestly love this one, and I hope you can enjoy them as much as I did:




Ok what the hell am I supposed to type into the text box when I get the link? "You know the rules and so do I *" What the hell?

Best Sakura

I wouldn't mind suffocating from both of them smothering me with their thick sweaty bodies ♥️


man, don't skip the tutorial xD go and learn with Cirno in the link if you plan to download the past and future works.