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Again with the 2 missing illustrations.. at this point I feel like dropping the backgrounds so I can draw more scenes (╥ - ╥)

✿oh man, Fluttershy sure was going to be a simple animation but came with more details and.. fatsos than what I planned (っ ᐛ )っ

❤Applejack will be forever a fave, even more outside from hentai though ‾⌣‾ )

✔Finally Yukari showing up! I hope she does that more often with other fighters (•̀ᴗ•́ )

★Blackfire was the best sister and I can't wait to giver her room for another scene ᗜˬᗜ

..No Minnie this month?! how shameful, I gotta redeem myself in the next month! (•̀ᗝ•́)૭

(Expiry date: 31/August/2021)

Save and enjoy!

2021 July

★ for the people that may have problems playing/opening the flash archives, I added indications on how to do it correctly:





Is there anymore animations?


In this post there's only 2 but if you mean more to download, there are many more in the request section that are already uploaded.


How can I see this set? This is what I originally became a fan for this month (september)


Can you post the Blackfire with sound flash back up?


yep, I will add her for the next batch this end of month and hey! try to send me a "dm" through pixiv for future requests シ


Can I request the ability to see the Fluttershy and Applejack animation? It was the main reason I came here.


best way is through requesting, that way you can ask for old archives and watch other requests done in the past 8 months(so far). Here explained: https://angelauxes.fanbox.cc/posts/1865759