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エンデヴァーさんのマッスル・ポージング! 彼らしく粗野でクールな表情もカッコイイですが、目線を逸らして頬を赤らめ、恥じらうような表情差分を描いてみました。 久しぶりに描いた推しの二次創作、楽しかったです👍✨




The huge sausage cock with the veins and outline of the glans visible through the hero suit is truly mouth-watering🌭🍄‍🟫👀😍😋🤤❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Since he carries such a heavy sausage, he is the No.1 hero who is very vulnerable to enemy attacks🌭🔚😈🎯 I think Endeavor is the most obscene of all cartoon characters❤️‍🔥🦸‍♂️❤️‍🔥 I would appreciate it if you could upload the zip file as well🙏


My most favorite dad! I am so glad you decided to draw him 😍 I hope we get to see more of him or Natsuo maybe 😆