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a new collaboration with Shad0wNSFW The design of the set and most of the poses have been the idea of Shad0wNSFW, I take care of the sketching, outlining, coloring of each characters and development of the footjob part, I still need to publish more images to show the complete idea of this set} Update 8/5/22 the first image render is ready for you in the original file link, I'm waiting for my partner to have the bg of the first image finished and update the gallery soon, This month I will have the first two finished images ready, thank you for your patience. Update 13/5/22 all the linearts are ready, I will start to color the first image of the set (the previous one was a presentation image), I will try to have the finished image for this month. Update 1/6/22 the render of the first main image are ready in the cloud. original images here https://mega.nz/folder/J1MXDSiB#_CbIa5G6tUR09-JUnH0lRw




Ahh good. footjob gangbang possible..?


As I mentioned above, there are still images to be published, and there is already an image that you request, also the issue is being handled by my collaborator




you mean the dragon ball pack? its already uploaded in the cloud, just the sketch, I will post it in december


besides, there will be footbang in the next dragon ball pack for december if thats what you mean with gangbang


How's the development on this going? I'm excited for all the projects you're working on! ^_^ (Also how's your network going? Hope you were able to resolve and get fast internet again!)


in this set I'm still working on two more linearts corresponding to the remaining sketches and then start coloring, As for my internet, I still have the same problem, and recently there have been many connection drops due to wiring problems of the local internet service


Dang that sucks you're still dealing with internet issues, might be a good time to look into other ISPs since your issue is still ongoing or call some professional who can fix your internet problems! Anyways nice to know more about how this project is ongoing, two more linearts before coloring! Hope it's fun drawing and coloring in all the lil details along with your friend! ^_^ See ya and keep on being awesome Rankerhen!


Thanks for the newsletter, I think it's a great idea to use for notifying on new updates to your current wip projects hehe! I usually manually check your posts for any updates but the newsletter helps well! Will be useful for those wondering how everything's going, thank you thank you! Hope things are going well for ya this month Rankerhen and the same throughout the future!


at least I already have a better internet for now so I'll be more comfortable with the work, thank you for your opinion about the newsletter and the support


Oh man, I absolutely love the poses for these, Ranker. 😩