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Sorry for taking a little longer to post the art pack of March. Sadly I have been dealing with some leaks for a few couple of days and has been time and mind consuming.

Sadly there is not much I can do, this kind of thief is unpunished and encouraged by many. The least I can do is change the way I share some of my stuff, which will do from now on.

What makes me feel better is that even when there is content in the wild, you guys keep supporting my work. You understand how far those few dollars go when an artist dedicates full time to this kind of art work.

If weren't for you guys, I would have quit art a long time ago, and that's what leakers do not understand; I reward my supporters with my work because they are the main reason I get to dedicate my life to draw art. You guys allowed me to find a career doing what I love and as long as you want I will keep doing it. Thank you.

Anyway... here is the art pack of March.

MEGA folder

pass: tilly0321

I hope you enjoy it!




Sorry about all the leaks man. Thank you for still providing us excellent art.


Not only your art, the community you build around it too! That's pretty neat and hard to find anywhere else