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Im sorry i upload it late. If you dont know how to use it please cheak sponsorship introduction page or dm me おそくなりましてすまない、最近忙しいので... 使い方がわからなかったら、スポンサーシップの紹介ページをみてください、DM送ってもいいです。 不好意思来晚了,最近比较忙…… 如果您不知道如何使用,请查看赞助介绍页面并发送DM。




scene working fine but it seems one of dude the missing a banana (Maybe missing stuff from my side) Also any idea on how to change expression of the tongue out to something else? cant seem to change it via default mouth control or additional expression tools


Change the uncensor of the female character to the beginning of BP to fix it,Or you are missing a cock mod named BP SOS; search for the folder tongue in work panel and move it to change tongue position.


Turns out the banana issue is mod related (it bended downwards for 1 of them but the rest are fine) probably because of my default BepInx stuff Found the tongue folder but now the mouth stayed fixed despite changing mouth type. Possibly tied to the animation i guess