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Thanks for the first year of pixivFANBOX!

Hello, my name is Monao.

Thank you very much for your continued support.

This month marks the one year anniversary since Monao started FANBOX.

Thanks to all of you who have supported us since the beginning and to all of you who have newly supported us during the course of the year, I have managed to continue for one year. I am really grateful to all of you.

It is an account where I draw only my guesses as I like, but I think it is almost a miracle that so many people have supported an artist with such narrow needs.

Even patreon didn't last a year, so I am proud that I have done well.

I had a lot of worries during the past year, thinking about whether I could continue to do well, how I could improve, etc. I couldn't sleep, and my days and nights were reversed. (Things are much better now.) I am still considering what to do about some of my problems.

I am still considering what to do about my problems, so once I have sorted them out, I hope to be able to continue to communicate them to the public in the future.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for keeping me going for a year!

I will probably update some illustrations this month as well, so if you are interested, please continue to support me.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)




I am glad to have supported you for a year and hope to do so for as long as I can, Monao-san! Keep it up, your illustrations are great and you do a magnificent job! ❤️❤️


I am so glad to have known you as an artist and a friend. You are a wonderful person, and each stroke of your paintbrush has honed your skills and talent to where it is today. Congratulations on your Fanbox anniversary, and I wish you continued happiness and success! 🥳💖 -まる / Rhyethil


I'm glad I've support your art for the last year as your artwork is superb and you seem like a great person. I wish you nothing but happiness and success.


一周年おめでとうございます! いつもキレイなイラスト楽しく拝見しております。これからも体にお気をつけて、時にはゆっくりで構いません。待っていますのでイラスト覗かせてください! 改めておめでとうございます!!


Happy 1 year anniversary!




Sorry for the batch reply. Thank you so much for all the encouragement and congratulations in your comments. I am deeply touched by each of your words. I would like to continue updating until I am satisfied with my work, so I would be very encouraged if you would continue to watch over me.