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This is ˚☼。.

Recently there was an announcement about censorship on pixiv, saying no more minors, incest, bestiality, gore contents in FANBOX are allowed as of coming month.


It's been only months now since I quitted Patreon for the same reason, and now FANBOX is doing the same thing..😭

First of all, the rewards of this month will be uploaded normally and I will notify the detail soon after watching how it will go.

(I don't recommend continuing subscription until I give further notice.)

I should move to other sites if it's hard to run FANBOX as it was before, but I don't think this is a complete solution. I'll try to find other good ways staying here as possible.

Some artists say they're gonna bypass the link or upload compressed files, but in my case those are already blocked in Patreon (they actually checked zip, psd files inside) so I have no idea if it's going to work here.

The new work will be posted at the end of this month.

I always try to make it early, but I keep postpone by other works and end up finishing at the end of the month. What a lazy.

Thank you always.

Have a great day!

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최근 픽시브에서 팬박스 검열 개정 관련 공지사항이 있었다고 합니다.

주요 내용은 오는 12월 다음달 부로 근친상간, 미성년자, 강간, 수간 등 컨텐츠 공유 금지라고 하네요. (https://www.pixiv.net/info.php?id=8788)

몇달 전 같은 이유로 패트리온을 접게 됐는데 팬박스도 버티질 못한 것 같아 슬프네요.

일단 11월 작품 업로드는 정상적으로 진행되고 이후 새롭게 적용되는 다음 달부턴 구체적으로 어떻게 진행될지 주변 상황을 봐가면서 조만간 다시 공지 드리겠습니다.

개인적으로 추가 공지가 있기 전까지 되도록 12월 결제는 하지 않으시는 걸 추천드려요.

일부 작가들은 태그 삭제, 압축파일 업로드, 외부로 우회하는 방식 등을 사용한다고 하는데 이미 저 같은 경우엔 패트리온에서 시도했다가 막힌 터라 과연 팬박스에서도 가능할지는 모르겠네요.

계속 다른 곳으로 옮겨봤자 근본적으로 해결될 문제는 아닌 것 같아 (확실하진 않지만 결제 카드사의 요청이 주요 원인이라고 들었습니다. 패트리온도 그 전까지는 검열 요청이 들어와도 상당히 유하게 진행되었거든요.) 최대한 팬박스에 남아 있을 수 있는 방법으로 생각해보겠습니다.

이번 달 보상은 전과 동일하게 월말에 올라올 것 같습니다.

항상 일찍 진행해보려고 하는데 다른 일에 밀려서 미루고 미루다 보면 계속 월말에 벼락치기처럼 마무리하게 되네요 너무 게으른듯

항상 감사합니다!



fantia는 어떤가요?


I saw someone sell the content/items on Gumroad and then give the discount code(free code) to Fanbox subscribers. I don't know if that helps but it's one way to do it


You could put a password on the zip to encrypt it (they wouldn't be able to check it) and give the password to the subscribers. But it is not a good long time solution. Let's wait and see how it plays out I guess.


The way a lot of artists get around stuff like this is linking to zipped/rar files on Google drive via Discord or other medium, & just providing a password to Patreons/Fanbox users.


그냥 둥지 갈아타시는 게 나을 듯 싶습니다. 근친상간 시리즈 없어진다는 건 작가님이나 구독하는 독자 모두에게 막심한 손해이고 대체제가 있는 것도 아니니깐요. 그나저나 카드사가 왜 자유를 침해할려고 하는지 참 이해가 안 되네요


I have two suggestions: - Make a Subscribestar or Gumroad, where they don't stress with those things - Make a Discord server for Fanbox members only, and upload new works there


디코 운영하는것도 방법이라 봐요 제가 후원하는 분들중 일부도 그렇게 운영하는데 좀 낫지 않을까요


ㅠㅠㅠ 바꾸게 되면 공지 부탁드립니다


Sucks to see this kind of censorship. Hope you can find a good solution for all of this.


How about hiccears? I know many creators whose posts contain r18g elements post their work on that site


Sad news to read... hope it doesn't give you much trouble... >.< As mostly stated, some other authors/creators are using Suscribestar or delivery trough Discord (sharing a link to Drive or Dropbox with a password).


Hello, where else could we see your follow up Some social network you have and notify us of the new server you will use. You know so we don't lose the family history xD


Loli is not allowed on Gumroad check the bottom of this page: https://help.gumroad.com/article/156-gumroad-and-adult-content


Credit card companies should have no say in what is created. Some stuff may not be everyone's cup of tea, and that's why preferences exist. Just a shame that PIXIV is willing to kill itself to appease their credit card god.


From what I've been reading you might want to consider either Fantia/Fanza/DMM or Subscribestar I read that Fantia dropped mastercard and stood with its creators when they tried to do what they are currently doing to pixiv. They opted to remove Mastercard instead of enforcing their American policies, the opposite of what Fanbox is doing. As for Subscribestar, they dropped Paypal when paypal tried to get them to ban accounts belonging to some people that they did not like, these people were banned on Patreon and moved to subscribestar. When PayPal found out about this they tried to force them to ban them but subscribestar did not do that and instead opted to drop paypal instead I see a lot of people recommending Gumroad. I read their F.A.Q. and I saw a graph that basically said that Adult products that feature sexual or sensual imagery of children or minors cannot be sold on Gumroad source: https://help.gumroad.com/article/156-gumroad-and-adult-content


I see some people still sell loli stuff on Gumroad but they might be cracking down on it in the future since it's already against their guidelines so I personally wouldn't recommend it.


선생님.. 혹여라도 팬박스말고 다른곳으로 가셔도 괜찮습니다 공지올려주세요 패밀리시리즈는 꼭 이어가셔야합니다...!!!!


Use Subscribestar. They will allow your content.


True but the pressure was due to a different reason IRL, not necessarily due to fictional stuff. https://twitter.com/JJRCVIII/status/1592862171020816384


Sad to hear that, wishing you the best. But I don't get it: should I cancel my subscription now? Or should I wait?


I'd recommend fantia, no such risk there.

General Honoish

Be careful with Fantia, they will ban you if you distribute uncensored work in any way even if it is a link to a MEGA or something.


You are my favorite painter Great style and theme Please tell us your next stop, I will always support!!❤️


As many other users commented: switch to Subscribestar


From other Loli creators I supported. They don't checked the zip, psd files or even links. So they got away with it for soo long. Their only concern about the preview images public show in your post.


한달에 그림 30개씩 나오면 좋겠다..


I recomend you suscribestar! :3


검로드로 개별시리즈를 월별로 판매하시는게 어떨까요?