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Dear patrons, the events of the last week have been unfortunate to say the least for your server. Those who read the previous post should know that my external hard drive had a serious failure, which caused me to lose the vast majority of my files, all related to the patreon and to my personal story “Tales of Corinto” and “The Drakeland Chronicles”. However, fortune has smiled on me slightly, allowing me to recover the text files referring to these two projects, and my haste allowed me to recover most of the high resolution images in jpg format that I had saved on my cell phone, in addition to my wonderful friends They helped recover images that I had only entrusted to them, and with that I am rebuilding my gallery although the photoshop files were permanently lost.

In addition to this situation, my computer began to have failures in the ram and cpu derived from the software used in the data recovery attempt, fortunately I think I was able to fix it although I had to reset my operating system, and to make matters worse my chair also broke (never buy the Kultec brand).

Then I started to think that I really haven't built anything solid, that with the money I earn month after month I can barely keep up with my expenses and that for several years now I have been postponing the purchase of an external hard drive precisely to avoid what happened, and Consequently, since I would be unable to repair my PC if it were to fail and much less be able to afford to purchase another one, on the other hand I feel that the work I have done in recent years has been worthless, I have not grown as I would like neither in numbers nor in money nor in followers, and it is not against you that you give me your wonderful support month after month, it is more a review of my person and so many things that have made me feel helpless this year for not being able to have a decent salary.

It is because of the above that I have decided to take courage and take a reckless step, so read carefully:

Starting this month I will work on the patreon of my personal projects, I will notify you in advance so that if you are interested in my personal projects, you can join the patreon at the following link:


You will be able to appreciate that the subscription price of the new patreon is considerably cheaper, so those of you who were interested in my personal projects, there will now be a lot of it as I am willing to grow the community and the project in the years to come On the topic of money, I inform you that on my Twitter, I will be listing commissions regularly every month in case any of you are interested. To those of you who have supported me from the beginning, I recommend saving your patronage time in a screenshot. , because when the next project starts you will receive a well-deserved reward, when the first books or comics or some other material begins to be published.

I don't know what the future will hold on this new path that I am going to embark on, but I hope that you want to be part of it, either monetarily or by following me and supporting each publication on my public networks. Thank you very much for listening to this statement and I hope to see you in the next one. stage!.



bueno de momento solo puedo apoyarte deseándote suerte y con mi suscripción, porque no consideras emplear la técnica de usar un estilo de arte mas sencillo como el que ibas a usar en la competencia de fuerza de las osas shishonas para conceptos y arte temático y dejas el arte mas profesional como el que usaste en la dama cadáver para ilustrar las historias escritas eso quizás te ayudaría a no sobrecargarte de trabajo. Oh quizás intercalar tu proyecto con el demás arte tipo un mes de corinto y el siguiente de nsfw luego otro de corinto y el siguiente de nsfw y así sucesivamente.