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Hello everyone, may this Sunday find you well and safe.

As most of you likely know, ArbuzBudesh, our team lead, artist, and friend… is Ukrainian. And you all no doubt know Russia has launched an invasion against Ukraine on the 24th of February, 2022.

He and his family are safe for now, but no one knows how things may change. Obviously, we are all worried about him, and as a team, these events likely will impact our ability to deliver our next build on time. Although we are close to finishing the build the added stress of the evolving situation in Ukraine is making these last few steps fraught with frustration, desperation, and a near-constant need to be updated about his well being.

Many have asked for alternative ways to help Arbuz directly, but so far he doesn’t wish to and has enough that he will be fine for now. We will keep you up to date if the situation changes… and if we may need some form of aid in the future.

Thank you all, and please, stay safe. For now, donations to the Ukrainian Red Cross would be a great avenue to help those afflicted by this injustice. Portions of our patreon will be set aside in the event of an emergency, and our team is ready to help him at any time financially if it comes to it.

All of you take care… I hope Monday will be a better day than today, for all of us.



This takes absolute priority, whatever delays/indefinite holds or pateron spending this results in are 100% justified, your team has my full support and I wish him and all his country safety and justice. Will donate to the Ukraine red cross, thank you for pointing them out.


Understanding that ArbuzBudesh is secure for now, please let us know if a situation change warrants individual aid. In the mean time, I'm going to the Ukraine Red Cross. Stay safe!


Slava ukraini


Will he be conscripted?


i pray for your safety


<p style="color: #008600;">Yes, this situation is just terrible, I hope ArbuzBudesh and his family will be all right. Stay safe all of you!</p>


I hope everything will be fine for him and his family


Oh man, stay safe buddy, I'm so sorry for what you and everyone else in Ukraine is going through :(


Slava ukraini. God be with ukraine

Reiss-Coint Kevin

Any news ? I hope that he is always ok.