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MWS Chapter 26

His mind was made up, and nothing could change that. Or at least that's what Gary thought the case was, but two things were making the fight tempting. The first was the Quest that he had just received. As silly as the Quest was worded, Gary was surprised that he would get an instant level up from winning this fight.

'Why an instant level up from this? It was an exp amount when I fought Steven, and I levelled up from the last fight? If it was like a game, the system would reward quests based on their difficulty, right? So is it saying that fighting against Xin would really be harder?'

In all honesty, Gary didn't know how the system worked, so he could only look at the facts that he had in front of him. Meeting Xin was an instant level up, and he would get a free point to use as he wished once he beat her.

However, the second reason also interested him, and soon Gary's mind started to wander.

'A date, I've never been on an actual date before. Where would we go, to the movies, or a restaurant, but all those things cost money? Maybe I can just take her for a walk in the park. Yeah, that sounds good. There's a river there as well! If someone attacks us, like when I was with Blake, and she gets pushed into the river, and maybe she can't swim, then maybe I could, jump in and…and…'

"So, what do you say?" Xin asked since she had seen that Gary had stopped walking, so she figured he was in the middle of pushing one way or the other and just needed a little push.

Soon, the hall echoed with a chuckle, and it was coming from none other than Gary.

"I say, I'm gonna save your life." Gary pointed towards her. "Let's fight."

The others didn't understand what was going on. Still, they were pleased that they were about to witness another spectacle instead of doing their boring, repetitive drills.


Once again, Tom was on the sideline biting his fingernails, nervous for his friend, afraid that something might just happen.

'Okay, calm down Tom. Look at the exits, look to see if there is anything you can do if Gary does suddenly turn?' Although the more Tom thought about it, he had never seen Gary do anything werewolf-like? At least not so far apart from having this wild anger. Thinking about this calmed his heart a little.

'He night be just an angry wolf on the inside?'

Mr Fang was ready, Steven was back to his usual self, and both fighters were in their positions.

"Ready, go!"

The fight had started, and Gary's heat hadn't settled yet. His active skill charging heart had worn off, but he was wondering with his heart the way it was now. Maybe he wouldn't need to activate the skill.

It was then that he strangely saw that Xin was the one that had charged first. She ran in and had suddenly jumped in the air, spinning her body. He saw her back and soon after her whole leg. Seeing this at the last second, Gary tilted his head back. His movements were twice as slow without the skill charging heart, allowing him to narrowly miss her foot, and he soon repositioned himself by moving to one of the corners of the mat.

'How fast was that kick and a spinning kick? If she had hit me with that, I have a feeling my head would have gone flying off. Is she trying to kill me!' Gary wondered as he felt something tickling from his nose.

He tried to sniff it up, but it didn't work, and when looking down, he could see blood on the floor. The back of her heel had lightly grazed the tip of his nose.

"Looks like you're a little slower, and I guess if you don't get the first hit, you're useless." Xin shrugged her shoulders. "I expected more from you for some reason."

"Haha, did you see him running away!"

"Don't go in the corner. Come on, why don't you just use your brute strength like before?"

"Because he knows he's going to get knocked out."

The students mocked and laughed, wanting one of their own to win.

'Shit! Was I going easy on her because I didn't want to hurt her, but it looks like I can't hold back.' Gary thought.

[Skill activated Charging heart]

[All stats have temporarily been doubled]

[-10 energy points]

Placing his hand on his chest, Gary could once again feel his heart thumping so loud it felt like it was going to jump from his throat. Although nothing seemed to change from the outside, Xin, who was in the fight, quickly got into a fighting stance again, feeling a change.

"This is what I wanted," Xin mumbled.

Now it was Gary's turn, and he decided to charge in just as he did against Steven.

'I'll just take the hit. I took a hit from that large blob guy and still was standing, so taking a hit from someone like this is no problem at all!' Gary thought as he gritted onto his teeth, expecting what was to come.

Xin stayed firm, her leg ready and judged the distance. Then when Gary was within her zone, she spun her body once again and let out a kick with the heel of her foot aiming towards the head.

Gary knew that he was still too slow, even with a charging heart, to react to the kick after seeing the first one, but he was confident in his recovery skills. He could see the kick and attempted to lift his hands up, but even they were too slow, and eventually, the heel had hit him right in the head, underneath the ear.

An immense pain was felt, and his head flung to the side. The others even looked away. The kick had landed so solid, but Gary gritting his teeth, carried on moving, pushing through, and moved forward again.

'I just have to grab her!...Huh? Why is she moving away?' Gary thought as the image of Xin started to spin as if one was dizzy. The next thing Gary knew, he was falling to his side and was running straight forward into the crowd of people who were sitting down.

Gary had crashed into the other students and had fallen off the mats.

'It was a perfect strike behind the ear.' Tom noticed. 'His whole head must be spinning at that moment. That's why he fell over.'

Years of watching Altered fights, Tom knew quite a bit about fighting.

As for Xin, the one who had delivered the blow, she was shocked herself.

'I didn't think he would take the kick head on like that. I thought he had a better plan. I didn't hold back either. How did he do it? Why is he still standing?'

She was amazed that Gary was even still able to walk forward and looked his way. She could see him getting up, but soon falling back over. Eventually, after getting up the third time, Gary was up on his feet all okay again.

It was the quickest she had seen someone recover.

"Reset!" Mr Fang said, with a big grin on his face. He knew as a teacher he shouldn't be smiling at something like this, but he just couldn't help himself.

Gary was ready for round 2, to reset the match and fight again. However, he had received a message from the system at that point.

[Quest failed]

[You are no longer able to complete this Quest]

Since becoming a Werewolf and obtaining the system, it was Gary's first loss and first quest failure.



So is this going to web novel or staying here?


Bruh didn't you read the announcement? It's going on Web novel and here at the same time