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Law backstory!!!! Doflamingo backstory!!!


Trevor Stevenson

Jaguar D Saul didn't have black hair

Shane x Masters

The funniest D is Down D.Stairs aka kuina


You recorded 3 more u said. But i guess that not mean we get a early drop or?:P


No what Joe said is wrong. White Lead ALTERS YOUR GENETICS, they literally explained that it gets CARRIED TO THE OFFSPRING, that's not something vanilla lead does, you have to be exposed to it. They are literally genetically becoming less long-lived generation by generation, not being poisoned from the items etc (hence why World Government wanted them to keep mining that shit, since they are quite nice looking & useful etc, and since they aren't mining that shit, they don't really suffer from the consequences to begin with. Wanna bet some CD's palace is full of furniture/decor made w/ White Lead? It would make sense why the WG would be so interested in it, if the CDs started to want that cool af looking white material for decor, building material furniture etc. I'm quite sure this is why Doffy knows about the White Lead Disease truth, because the CDs were likely explained the truth by the WG, because of obvious reasons etc). Like bro lead poisoning ISN'T actually externally visible like White Lead poisoning is, the fact that the skin turns to white looking mineral or w/e clearly already showcases the visual effects caused from genetic fuckery it causes, not mere individual lead poisoning problems like IRL (it would have mostly affected the people PROCESSING lead, not people using the lead-based products, unless they use em as cosmetics of course, but even then it wouldn't reduce lifespan to the exponential extent each generation that White Lead does since it's carried genetically from parent to child etc). Also Homing likely had never actually left Mariejois before, since most CDs likely aren't going to if they aren't going to buy slaves like the fat goblin looking dude was in Sabaody (and that's practically next door to Mariejois, just down a few kms or w/e). So he likely never actually saw that shit happening or hearing about stories about CDs because he never actually physically interacted w/ the normies, even if he himself was a relatively normal dude in Mariejois etc. I assume the WG doesn't actually tell CDs how the lower lifeforms feel about them either (since it's not like the normies are gonna directly say what they feel like to a CD, that will get them literally just clapped for speaking w/ their filthy breath at a CD etc)


Naw, no early drops. I'm not much further ahead than this. I used up a lot of my gap ahead in recordings while Shogun was airing and i was recording less One Piece reactions. Now I'm back on a 9-12 episodes a week schedule, so i can hopefully get ahead a bunch.

Elite cobra

The best D that started one piece Ask D Question


Barto's D was revealed a few episodes ago also (in the colosseum fight)


What did you say again about Luffy having the oldest grudge against Mingo because of the D? Hm? Ne? Ne?


20:15 - you should do it in a “sad” moment, so you don’t have to worry about ruining your reaction to it ^^


He said that if he does it in a Sad moment, people would get mad. Because he would fake cry, which would ruin the moment, because it's not real. I think, if he does it, he should do it in a silly moment. Like Cabbage's backstory, where he basically explains that he wants to kill Luffy because he took his fame. Do the Fake Crying and be like "oh no, that's so sad" when it's actually just a dumb moment


That’s what I meant by “sad” moment 😁 thanks for helping me word it better 😊❤️


I didn't watch this with English subtitles during my first watch a long time ago, and I thought Law's true name was Wartel or something. But yeah I guess Water sounds about right too.

Tobias Reinhold

Actually, I do believe that if you pay close attention, you'll see that Nami and Robin are not "D", they are most likely both "Double-D".