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Hi everyone!

I must apologize again, I've continued to be rather unwell - I am feeling a lot better now, and have been able to get the next (tenth!) daddy in the line-up done.

Just two more to go - that is, if I'm going to stick to twelve for a nice even DADDIES calendar. If you have any strong opinions about the remaining two, please let me know!

And yes, that's a Captain Planet reference in the name there.

Next up will be the second half of Solid Snake's (mis)adventures, and then I will put up the next character poll!



Darren F

Fantastic! And how about a mechanic? A farmer (though I know there's already a rancher)?

Lucky Stallion

Hot! 🔥❤️ Love the bio and the hose replacement! And really glad to hear you're feeling better.


Hot damn, he should be using his large hose on that twink 😜


SO HOT!! My favourite will always be military though 😂


My favourite one so far ^^