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Hi everybody!

Apologies for the lateness of this post. I've been rather unwell in the real world and, additionally, what I thought would be a comparatively quick process (updating the double-spread from the most recent Might and Muscle into an image set) ended up being one of the most complicated things I've ever drawn.

Three characters and all those horny monsters!

Anyway, I mentioned that I would do a non-canon "bad end" for Thrognar and Sir Gareth. The reason being that these are beloved OCs for me and I want their adventures to continue, so where else would we get the chance to see them, uh, taken down a peg or ten?

So here they are at the mercy of the Deepscourge and - for once! - getting the wrong end of the giant phallic tentacle. Take it for the team, boys!

NOTE - if you can't be bothered downloading all those pages, I've got a zip file at the bottom. I have also included textless versions - I've had requests for these before, and there's no real reason not to provide them. So please enjoy those too!

Up next will be the next DADDY on the calendar - fireman!




I love that there’s canonicity in this universe!


Amazing work as always. And thank you so much for the zip download, it was extremely helpful.