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Size difference has long been an interest of mine yet something I was seldom called upon to do. It makes sense to start off with Tinker Bell and her famously wide hips but don't be surprised to see more diminutive bombshells appearing on here soon. Until then you'll just have to make do with this story lol

A dense fog had crept over Neverland during the night, hiding all but the highest points of the magical island in a shroud of grey. Rain was just starting to fall from the stormy clouds above when Hook and his crew disembarked from their ship to hunt down Peter Pan. He had no idea his red haired rival and the Lost Boys were doing that very same thing. The two groups first collided on the misty hills above the cove and the battle quickly spread to the forest the boys had just emerged from. As always their pirates fought tooth and nail for an advantage over their childish foes while the Pan's forces taunted and tricked them into all manner of traps. With his usual brand of stubborn pride Hook chased his nemesis deep into the woods, his men struggling to keep up while the fighting grew more disorganized by the moment. Several times the melee drew perilously close to the Lost Boys' hideaway but the fur clad kids always managed to drive off their adult enemies before their base was discovered. At least until one of the newest members of the captain's crew managed to get himself utterly lost chasing down a blonde haired, fox tailed boy.

“Where'd that little monster get off to?!” Garrett cursed, slashing through a bush with cutlass in frustration, “ I almost had 'im!”

It was only after stopping to look at the identical sea of brown trunks half hidden in the swirling fog that he realized just how lost he was. The fighting sounded so far off it could have been on the other side of the island for all he knew and without a compass there was no telling which way would lead back to his fellows. He spun in place listening hard for anything that might give him a clue where to go next. When nothing presented itself he was forced to admit just how lost he was. Another quick glance at his surroundings revealed an almost imperceptible lightening of the mist directly in front of him. It was as good a place as any to start and Garrett was about out of options by that point. If he managed to make it back to the ship before morning the punishment wouldn't be too severe. Judging by the hectic nature of the battle he probably wouldn't be the only one to get lost. He hacked his way through the leafy undergrowth as fast as he could manage, keeping an eye out for that Lost Boy he'd chased into the deep woods. It didn't take long for him to reach the treeline and find himself looking into a small clearing. A towering, leafless tree sat in the middle of the glade, numerous holes carved into it's gnarled bark and dozens of footprints leading away from the opening amidst the knotted roots. Without even meaning to he'd wound up at the Peter Pan's secret lair.

“Nobody will ever believe me!” Garrett muttered, “But maybe if I bring back proof . . .”

Inside the twisted old oak Tinker Bell was pouting in her own little hideaway buried within the knotted wood. Her arms were tightly folded beneath her small, perky breasts and her legs had been crossed since the moment Peter told her she couldn't come with him. The ever luminescent golden glow emanating from her curvy frame shone all the brighter in her irritation and her crystal blue eyes were perpetually narrowed in frustration. Every so often her nearly translucent wings would flutter and shift her body into a more comfortable position. Her bright blonde hair had been pulled free of it's usual bun from an earlier attempts to distract herself by brushing it. As she listened to the sounds of mischief and mayhem outside she let out a little hug and kicked her feet against a nearby stretch of wall. Her pale green shoes struck the solid trunk and the white balls atop them jingled noisily. She smoothed out some of the wrinkles in her matching green dress, lifting the top a little higher up her chest to make her cleavage that much more prominent. Pointedly not looking at her wide hips or inexplicably thick thighs Tinker Bell turned her gaze towards a small hole in the wood across from her perch. It would be so easy for her to fly out and join the fun. That's probably what Peter really wanted her to do. Why else would he be so adamant that she stay behind.

Her soon to be escape attempt was almost instantly interrupted by the sound of creaking wood from one of the entrances below. Instantly assuming Peter had come back to collect her Tinker Bell jumped into the air and fluttered out of her spot with a wild grin. But the person crawling into the hideout wasn't her Peter and certainly wasn't any of the lost boys either. Barely able to fit through the hole and just a hair too tall to stand up straight anywhere but the middle of the room was one of Captain Hook's pirates. His wavy brown hair covered much of his face, matching the light dusting of fuzz that covered his strong jaw. He was considerably more fit than many of his peers which only seemed to make his navigation that much harder. Shirtless and barefoot for no reason she could figure out his only article of clothing was a pair of paradoxically nice black breeches and a white sash tied around his waist. Having spent so much of her time around adolescent boys Tinker Bell couldn't pretend she didn't feel an immediate attraction to the far more masculine specimen before her. He might have been an enemy and even one she'd had to fight but for a moment her baser instincts overpowered her sense. His sword was sheathed in that same waistband and he was already reaching towards the leather wrapped hilt. Suddenly remembering the threat he posed to her friends Tinker Bell darted towards a nearby pot full of water, pushing it with all her might until it tipped over the edge and plummeted towards the intruder. He looked up for the source of the scraping sound a moment before it fell.

“What the devil?!” Garrett shouted, barely avoiding the heavy pot. It smashed against the ground at his feet and he instinctively leapt back. As he tumbled into the hammocks and knick nacks lining the walls he looked up for the source of the projectile, “Oh I should've guessed!”

Standing at the lip of an overhang with her hands on her hips and a look of malicious delight spread across her face was the golden haired, hourglass figure of a fairy most of Hook's men had come to fear. Garrett himself had never encountered the impish little creature before but he'd heard all the stories. Yet as he looked up at her he didn't feel any of the wariness or trepidation he expected. It might have been the undeniably exaggerated way his companions had inflated both her size and appearance, by his estimation she couldn't have been more than eight inches tall. More likely it was because, with the haughty and triumphant manner with which she was glowering down at him, he had the a completely unobstructed view up her green dress. Whether it was a habit of all fairies or simply a preference on her part Tinker Bell was completely without any sort of covering between her plump thighs. Even from several feet away he could see the soft outer lips of her pussy and even part of her appealingly round ass. The wispy unshaven hairs surrounding her tight little slit were just barely dark enough against her skin to be spotted from that distance. As he watched her wide stance gradually pulled the tightly sealed folds of her cunt apart to reveal the warm pink flesh between. He couldn't be certain but it almost looked like the little pink bud at the crest of her sex had emerged as well. Garrett's libido swiftly reminded him of just how long it'd been since he'd seen a woman of any sort, a reminder that distracted him just long enough for Tinker Bell to kick away a nail holding a net filled with fruit.

“Hold on!” He shouted curling up to shield himself, but mostly his swelling cock, from the barrage, “I didn't intend you any harm!”

Sneering at his words she darted off the branch and towards the shelves above and behind his prostrate form. With vicious little laugh she slid another heavy pot, this one filled with jelly, towards the edge. But it was much more cumbersome than she imagined. After only budging it an inch with her arms she was forced to adopt a new tactic. Flattening her back against the wall and lifting her legs Tinker Bell pressed her heels against the center of the ceramic. Pushing with all her might she managed to slide it forward another few inches until it suddenly stopped dead. She closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, and continued despite it's stubbornness. She had no idea Garrett had risen to his feet and was now looking directly at her with his hand on the pot to keep it in place. At least he was looking at one specific part of her, his grey eyes glued to the pretty little pussy nestled between her slightly parted and straining inner thighs. Up close he could see every individual hair dotting her soft skin and the juicy lips of her sex looked all the more appealing. Whatever she'd been doing before, or more likely what she was doing now, had clearly aroused her. Little beads of clear fluids clung to her naked cunt or dripped onto the wood below her with soft plips. He watched her face slowly turn red from the exertion and her cheeks puff up as she held her breath. Sweat coated her body and her once form fitting dress gradually started to sag from the weight of it. After nearly a minute of trying, during which he couldn't help but wonder what she thought he was doing, she finally relented slightly and opened her eyes.

“Not so fast Miss Bell.” Garrett grinned.

They stared at each other for several seconds, neither one making a move. As expected Tinker Bell was the first to act. Shoving herself off the wall she tired to dart past her distracted foe before he could make a move. Only partially successful her entire body was sent careening through the air when Garrett instinctively tried to grab her while she passed by his shoulder. His hand just barely grazed her legs but the force was more than enough to momentarily knock her out off balance. She tumbled towards the ground faster than she could correct herself. Her eyes closed and she tried harder than ever to regain her equilibrium. Any chance she might have had vanished in an instant when five tanned, calloused fingers closed around her body. He squeezed her just hard enough to prevent the immediate and desperate escape attempt and pulled her in close. Somehow in the midst of her spiral he'd managed to grab her upside down, her long golden legs jutting out from the top of his hand while her head and arms emerged from the underside. Both ends kicked, scratched, and fought back as best they could but it did little good. Even through her wild movements he was treated to yet another view of her pristine pussy and soft bubble butt, the constant motions making the former almost rhythmically part and spread while the latter jiggled and bounced. Lifting her a little higher he was given a similar, albeit less overt, view of her perky tits jiggling uncontrollably. Clouds of pixie dust emerged from her body to slowly both her and his hand. Suddenly fearing she might escape Garrett threw his arm to the side and leaned back from the shimmering puffs.

“I'm not gonna hurt you!” He shouted.

Tinker Bell paused in her thrashing to look at him, her crimson face twisting in confusion for a moment. After a few moments she scoffed and resumed trying to escape. Garrett sighed and sat down on a nearby stool. She wasn't going to get away from him no matter how hard she beat her fists against his hand. His only option now was to let her tire herself out and maybe find someplace to lock her up. At least that's what the rational part of his brain was thinking about. The rest was more than a little preoccupied watching her diminutive body tremble. If his leggings hadn't been so loose his interest in her petite form would've been apparent even to Tinker Bell. In her current state she was far too distracted to notice much of anything. And she showed no signs of slowing down or listening to a word he said, even after a full minute of continuous struggling. While he certainly wasn't complaining about the chance to watch her undeniably pretty body some more time wasn't really on his side. He needed to get proof he'd found the Lost Boys hideout and get out before they or their leader returned. His eyes roamed the length of her curvaceous form several times until an idea finally came to him. It was as ridiculous as it was bold and almost certainly motivated by the swelling in his pants more so than any intelligent thoughts. But in the moment it still made perfect sense and he certainly wasn't going to waste more time with an alternative.

Spreading apart her legs and holding them in place with the fingers of his other hand Garrett slowly trailed his tongue across her bare pussy. She tasted almost intoxicatingly sweet with just the barest hint of tart that made it all the better. The instant he connected with her body Tinker Bell froze with a look of pure shock on her face. She stifled the whimper that tried to escape her lips and glowered up at her captor with a mixture of lust and resentment. He ignored her reaction entirely and licked her cunt once more. On his second pass he leaned in a little harder and flicked his tongue out when he drew near her ass. The effect was as fast as it was gratifying: an full body tremor coursed down her spine and the tiniest of moans emerged from her lips. Tinker Bell instantly clapped her hands over her mouth but her arousal had been made clear. If the sweet juices forming on her pussy hadn't already made that clear enough. Her fingers quickly moved to cover the rest of her face, no doubt to hide the look of flushed pleasure that had crossed her delicate features. She stared up at him from between her shaking digits with a look that was equal parts adorable and intimidating. Shrugging it off as he always did Garrett gave her cute little slit another pass and did so with even more gusto. This time his tongue actually slipped between her ass cheeks rather than passing over them and the tip just barely brushed against her asshole. At that Tinker Bell let out a squeal loud enough to make him jump, her hands holding onto him for dear life while her legs quivered.

“Are you gonna calm down?” Garrett asked, lifting her a little higher to look her in the eyes. 

She stared at him for several seconds before finally nodding. Against his better judgement and the desires of his cock he leveled out his hand and uncurled his fingers. Tinker Bell sat in his palm and looked up at him as though deciding something. He could only guess what was going on in her mind but judging from the quick rise and fall of her chest, the crimson tinge in her cheeks, and the slight parting of her lips it was much the same thing he was thinking of. Sure enough after a few more seconds she silently leaned back, opened her legs, and lifted her skirt. His already swelling dick throbbed painfully hard at the sight. Apparently fairies were slaves to their libidos like everyone else and being surrounded by preteen boys hadn't been kind to hers. From just the small amount of work he'd done her pussy was absolutely soaking wet. Gooey strands of clear fluids oozed out of her sex to pool on his hand. As slow as it looked Garrett could feel his palm filling up with Tinker Bell's juices before his eyes. He was about to move in and taste some more for himself when she abruptly pulled down the upper portion of her dress as well. Suddenly with her small breasts and dark puffy nipples on display his attentions were diverted. 

As soon as his lips touched her tits Tinker Bell knew she'd made the right decision. There would be more than enough time to capture him after she had her fun. For the time being his unexpected skill with his tongue was exactly what her long suffering sex drive needed. Thanks to their size difference and her own modest bust Garrett was able to attend both breasts at the same time. His tongue darted across her nipples faster than she could react, flicking and swirling each one in a flurry of pleasure that swiftly began to fold in on itself. The bristly hairs on his face added just the right level of ticklish discomfort to make her already restless body squirm so much she was losing all control. As she threw her head back and gasped Tinker Bell's hands roamed her body in search of something to do. With his chin covering much of her stomach there was only one place her eager fingers could reasonably be useful. Her pleasure nearly doubled the moment her hands touched her glistening pussy, two fingers diving into her cunt without hesitation while another furiously rubbed her clit. After a few seconds the combined pleasure arched her back and made her toes curl in so tightly they actually hurt a little. If the sweet smell of her pussy wasn't already clouding his mind the moment she started touching herself all but ensured Garrett could think of little else.

He pulled back after a few seconds and though she looked up at him in surprise Tinker Bell didn't stop masturbating for a second. She actually seemed to pick up speed once he was able to see how enthusiastically she was fingering her pussy and rubbing her clit. Her middle finger moved in wild, seemingly uncontrollable circles across her sensitive but while the two digits buried in her slit pumped in and out with enough speed to send little drops of arousal splashing all across Garrett's palm. He was quite tempted to simply watch her show for as long as she'd be willing to put it on but his mind immediately reminded him of the unpredictable nature of his little partner. Laughing softly to himself and winking to her he moved back in. His tongue darted out just as it had before, the moment it neared her pussy her hands disappeared to give him free access. Making sure to use every bit of that freedom to make her squirm Garrett lapped at her bare cunt with small, quick movements. Thanks to her size he could run the full length of her sex in a second or two which meant he was able to lick her up and down two dozen times in thirty seconds. Tinker Bell didn't even have enough time to draw breath before a tidal wave of sheer ecstasy washed over her. Her whimpers and panting transformed into screams of exultation and delight. So much juice flowed out of her naked slit a more size appropriate man might have drowned in the flow. As her blue eyes rolled back in her head and her hips bucked one last thought flashed across her mind.

“Maybe all pirates aren't so bad . . .”

After that everything vanished into an endless, roiling sea of ecstasy. Garrett was so caught up in what he was doing he barely noticed the subtle but prominent changes in her reactions. His tongue never relented in it's endless cycle all across her pussy. Her body alternated between wild, spasmodic quivers and limp, barely active twitches according to the ebb and flow of her pleasure. Her companion's perpetually moving tongue proved to be a constant source of ecstasy amidst the already mind shattering storm. Somewhere between bouts of unfettered squealing her eyes rolled back in her head and Tinker Bell felt a powerful jet of fluids spray from her pussy. It squirted even higher than any of her previous releases and miraculously landed almost perfectly inside Garrett's open mouth. He swallowed the jet without even thinking, only afterwards realizing what had just happened and how delicious she continued to taste. Another, lesser fountain of pussy juice erupted from her slit but it lacked much of the force the first had possessed. Already she was beginning to come down from her incredible orgasm, the natural desire for more stamping out what she was already experience. She let herself enjoy his skillful tongue work for a little while longer all the same. Mere seconds after her orgasm had 'ended' Tinker Bell pushed her new best friend away and sat up. He tilted his head in confusion but she simply smiled and tauntingly shook her head.

Garrett was left to puzzle the meaning of that response while she clumsily took flight. He followed the glittering trail of pixie dust to a nearby, waist high table where she'd landed. Tinker Bell looked up at him with an eager smile as she suddenly reclined on the knobbled wood. Lying flat on her back and spreading her legs so wide they were almost perpendicular to her waist she stared directly at his bulging dick with an expectant gleam in her eyes. Suddenly realizing what she was after he freed his cock from his legging and approached her. As his member drew near she started rubbing her pussy once more, keeping one hand free to fondle her tits. It was only after he'd draped his cock across her body and she'd wrapped herself around it to start licking the tip that he realized just how impossible it was for anything else to happen. Of course that wasn't much of a concern while her tongue was lathering the tip of his dick in saliva. Clear beads of precum started to drip out at the stimulation and to his surprise the sex crazed fairy beneath him actually drank them down as quick as they arrived. She made a face with each dollop that was gobbled down, a look somewhere between delight and disgust, but it never stopped her from making sure his prick was squeaky clean. Garrett moaned almost as loudly as she had, all the build up to that moment coming back to bite him almost instantly. Odds were good Tinker Bell wanted him to cum fast so she'd have more to drink. He was just about to suggest she slow down a tad when Tinker Bell suddenly pushed his cock away and slid a few inches up the table. As he opened his mouth to ask what she was doing she answered him by sliding her hands into a crack in the wood, grinning mischievously up at him, and pushing herself down onto his cock pussy first. 

Even with his dick barely half the size of her there was still no conceivable way he'd be able to use it normally. Tinker Bell didn't seem to realize this simple fact, or she didn't care. Her wonderfully warm and soft pussy rubbed against the sensitive head of his cock and fresh precum oozed straight into her waiting slit. Both of them moaned from the sensation, his hands gripping the table even harder and hers doing much of the same. She paused momentarily to savor the feeling of fresh cum inside her body before resuming her motions. It wasn't an ideal situation given the circumstances but that sort of thing had never stopped her from getting what she wanted. Sexually or in every day life. Tinker Bell pushed with all her might and somehow the tip of his shaft actually started to slide inside. The change was gradual, almost impossible to notice, yet slowly Garrett started to feel a new kind of pressure enveloping his prick. It was akin to the few sexual encounters he'd had before joining Hook's crew but a thousand times more pulse pounding. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the breathtaking sight of his little fairy slut trying like hell to take all of his cock. 

Her golden pussy stretched beyond what seemed possible and slowly started to wrap around his member. Little by little her skin started to swell from the size of the object she was trying to take, the rest of her body shaking so much it was a wonder she had any control left at all. As the first third of his tip disappeared completely Garrett let out a pent up breath and took another, far more ragged one. What he was witnessing seemed so impossible he simply couldn't believe his eyes. Tinker Bell's taut little stomach was beginning to inflate well past what should have been plausible. Gradually the outline of his tip began to take shape in her flesh. It was more than a little hazy because of the contours of her body but that barely made a difference to either of them. She paused for a split second to widen her arms before pushing down with even greater velocity. The sudden burst of strength caused both of them to gasp and even more of his prick to vanish inside her. All but the flared edges had finally entered her body yet she showed no signs of slowing. As soon as Tinker Bell realized how close she was to finally have him fully inside her she shoved herself down those last few centimeters with a squeal of lustful triumph. Her pussy was completely wrapped around his cock head and neither of them could quite believe it had finally happened. Too bad for Garrett's sense of pride his mind didn't need to believe it for his body to feel it. He managed to last until the moment his tip fully disappeared into her pussy. But the moment it was gone all his stamina seemed to evaporate in a flash. He gave one final groan as a warning before letting it all come rushing out.

Tinker Bell went completely rigid and gasped as his dick swelled inside her. Rubbing her bulging stomach with both hands she stared up at the only human to ever be inside her in shock. Hot, gooey cum sprayed into her tight hole in such a torrent it felt like she was about to drown. His seed poured into her womb and filled it to the brim in a flash. But his first jet was far far more than just what her body was used to having. It continued to flood into her despite the furious contractions of her inner walls. It quickly overtook the natural mound formed by his cock, hiding it beneath a wave of cum that threatened to fill her to bursting. She moaned louder and more enthusiastically each time her wandering eyes fell upon her belly and saw it stretched even more than before. Having never been pregnant she could only guess how far along she looked but by the time his initial spurt had settled she could have passed for a fairy on the very cusp of giving birth. And thanks to the impossibly snug fit of his dick not a single drop managed to leak out of her body. At first. 

Pulling out after the first load for fear of hurting his overeager friend Garrett let the rest of his cum explode all across Tinker Bell's slender body. His jizz splashed across her writhing frame in thick strands, coating most of her body in an instant and pooling on the table around her. She opened her mouth to catch what she could as he bathed her in spunk and was rewarded with more than she could ever drink. Each mouthful was gulped down like food by a starving person but she barely had time to part her lips again before her throat was filled back up. When paired with the deliciously large amount swirling around inside her pussy and Tinker Bell was in heaven. Her slack, gaping cunt wasted no time releasing much of the cum he'd pumped into her but the sheer volume ensured her semen swollen belly remained plump far longer than it should have. It even prevented her from wrapping her arms and legs around his throbbing member in a weak attempt to coax out a little more cum. In her stubbornness she tried anyways and the pressure of his dick against her faux baby bump made squeeze a flood of jizz from her pussy so fast her body instantly went limp from the pleasure. Unable to regain any semblance of composure she was left to gently quiver while his balls drained over every millimeter of her beautiful form. The heat was just on the right side of too much to handle and the smell alone was so strong she thought she might faint. So much of it was splattered across her body she had no idea he'd finished climaxing until he suddenly spoke and her eyes opened to squint through the fluids.

“Wow . . .” Garrett sighed, “That didn't hurt did it?”

Tinker Bell shook her cum drenched head and swallowed another mouthful of jizz. Spunk continued to bubble out of her once tight pussy, her belly slowly shrinking down to a normal size as his semen dribbled onto the table. Once the sight of her cute little cunt gaping wide as streams of human seed oozed out would have made her vanity goy haywire. Thankfully for Garrett's viewing pleasure she was far to gone to do anything except savor the way her inner walls pulsed and quivered in the open air and her weary muscles reflexively pushed his fluids out of her body. While at the same time hungrily trying to hoard as much as she could. Her eyes stared listlessly at the ceiling and a satisfied grin was stuck to her face as surely as his cum. Without any input from her overloaded brain her hands roamed her half naked body. She smeared his seed over what few places it hadn't managed to reach and rubbed it deep into her skin everywhere else. The smell was absolutely overwhelming and despite the pleasure she'd just received her body was already pining for more. She might have even tried to coax another helping out of her unexpected partner if her body had been even remotely capable of moving. But as she was Tinker Bell could scarcely lift her head without waves of exhausted pleasure cresting over her. She certainly couldn't move her wings under the thick layer of jizz that had all but glued her to the table.

“Here,” Garrett said a minute or so later, “Let me clean some of that off you . . .” He grabbed a rag off a nearby table and tried to gently wipe some of his cum from her face and hair. She pushed his away and shook her head even more vehemently, “All right then . . . guess you like being sticky?”

She emphatically nodded and slurped up some more spunk for emphasis. He laughed and opened his mouth to comment when a voice outside made them both pause, “Did you hear that pirate scream when I hit his foot with my club?”

“Yeah that was funny! What about when shot that one in the eye with a rock?”

“I bet the injuns could hear him all the way on the other side of the island!”

Raucous laughter filled the clearing, slowly getting louder as some of the returning Lost Boys approached. “Sorry Miss Bell, I gotta leave!” Garrett whispered, “Thanks for not murdering me!”

He pulled his breeches up and darted out of one of the holes while she was left to lie there in the mess he'd made. Tinker Bell waited to hear the Lost Boys cry out and give chase but all she heard was their increasingly exuberant reetllings of the battle. Glad her 'friend' had gotten away she clumsily rolled onto her side and grabbed the rag he'd left nearby. As she did a noisy squelch filled the hollow and a little jet of spunk was launched out of her pussy and onto the floor. Laughing at the noise and shivering from the pleasure she pulled the rag over her body like a blanket and let it absorb his jizz. It might have been the first time she'd ever been coated in a human's cum but it certainly wasn't the first time she'd made a mess of herself and the hideout when left to her own devices. Neither the boys or Peter Pan would give her messy appearance much thought. As long as she made sure to cover up her nudity anyways . . .

A few nights later Garrett was perched in the crow's nest looking out across Neverland through a collapsible spyglass. There was ultimately no reason for him to keep watch since the Lost Boys had never once attacked their ship directly. Even Peter Pan himself preferred to keep his mischief confined to the land. Or rather the air above the land. But it was about the only place he could go to think apart from the rest of his crew and the perpetually ill tempered captain. It was also one of the most beautiful views on the entire island with only the far side of the mountain hidden from his gaze. Sometimes he like to watch the Indians during one of their many celebrations and strange rituals. Other times he'd spy on the mermaids in their lagoon and try to talk himself into visiting them. They had no love for pirates but after his experience in the hideout he was feeling a lot more bold than before. As his gaze drifted across Neverland he let out a contended sigh and even cracked a small grin. He was just about to finish his sightseeing and return to the deck when a flash of gold darted across his view. Garrett jumped and squinted against the light when it returned brighter than ever.

He knew the source of that glow even before he lowered his spyglass and saw Tinker Bell hovering in front of him. Her arms were folded tightly in front of her chest while she fixed him with a scowl that could wither plants. “I didn't expect to see you again!” He remarked before noticing her expression, “What? I didn't tell anyone where your hideaway was!”

Tinker Bell landed on the railing and huffed, somehow tightening her arms even more and tapping her foot on the wood.

“Did I do something?”

Her sapphire eyes widened and she looked at him like he'd just personally insulted her entire family. A small grin crept onto his face despite the situation, which naturally only made his temperamental companion that much angrier. But rather than attack him or fly on in frustration like he expected Tinker simply turned her back to him in a huff. He watched with a growing bemusement at her actions, still surprised he was seeing her at all. Stepping a little closer and kneeling down so he could look her in the eye Garrett waited for some indication of what he was supposed to do. Before long Tinker Bell looked at him over her shoulder and he flashed a goofy grin. She rolled her eyes and turned away to hide her own smile. After she'd collected herself and returned her expression to the look of irritability she was supposed to be conveying she turned towards him once more. Before he could say or do anything else to piss her off Tinker Bell reached down, grabbed the hem of her dress, and pulled it up to show him her still uncovered pussy.

“Ohhhh! You wanted to do that again! Well why didn't you say so?” She mockingly mouthed his words and flashed him a rude hand gesture while he chuckled. Garrett peered over the edge of the nest at the most abandoned deck below and said, “We're all alone up here . . .”

Tinker Bell's smile nearly reached her ears as she nodded and jumped into his outstretched hand. 



This is awesome. I don't know what to say besides that lol. Like when a story is so entertaining you just enjoy it. I dont have much to say besides that lol