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This was actually a two part commission I never really got around to releasing publicly. I'm throwing them both together in one chapter because I don't really feel like posting them separately lol. It's my first 'proper' furry story and I'm actually quite happy with how it came out. Naturally if furry stuff isn't your bag you should give this one a skip!

Booming techno music reverberated throughout the dimly lit strip club, three multicolored spotlights illuminated the stage that made up the main floor. Dozens of patrons were crowded around the platforms eagerly waiting for the next stripper to make her appearance. All of them knew who was on next and many already had their wallets out and ready. Other scantily clad women weaved their way between the tables and stools carrying drinks or leading customers into the VIP area. As a booming voice announced the woman they'd all been waiting for the front door swung open and a newcomer stepped inside moments before the red curtains were flung open. He was tall, even for a horse, and brimming with muscles barely hidden beneath his white t shirt and plain blue jeans. His mane was unkempt and flowed loosely around his head, partially obscuring two bright green eyes that watched the stage with unblinking eagerness. More glad than ever he'd taken a break from hunting his latest bounty for some down time Darren quickly found the closest seat he could at plopped down while everyone around filled the club with their delighted howling.

The woman of the evening Sapphire, so named because of her beautifully crystal blue eyes, emerged to the raucous applause of everyone in the building including Darren. Her glossy brown fur practically glittered in the light and not a single inch of it hadn't been smoothed down to perfectly accentuate her powerfully built yet still impressively feminine form. A pair of large, jiggling tits were barely restrained by  flimsy black top and the outer lips of her pussy could be clearly seen beneath the tiny little thong clinging to her hips. With every step she took towards the pole at the center of the stage her entire body bounced in the most alluring way and the fabric of her g string disappeared a little further between her slit and buttocks. By the time she reached it and struck a little pose for everyone she might as well have been completely naked. But that didn't stop the crowd from showering her with bills as she spun to give them a perfect view of her toned ass. The chorus of whinnies, barks, and roars resumed with even more fervor and she quickly launched into her routine.

For nearly five minutes she danced, stretched, and flexed across the stage while people lavished her with money and praise. By the time she was nearing the end her athletic form was glistening in sweat and heaps of money lined the stage around her. She'd long ago removed her top and tossed it into the crowd but as her song was coming to a close she decided to play her last card. With well practiced spin she squatted down and pushed her ass towards the crowd as her fingers hoked the waistline of her thong. She pulled it down with a coy smile, flashing the excited onlookers a momentary glimpse of her buttocks and the soft pink flesh of her pussy. She lifted her underwear back up an instant later and held it there while casting her customers a knowing smile. For whatever reason her gaze stopped on strong horse sitting in the middle row. He was staring at her like she was the first and only woman he'd ever seen in his life and leaning back as though he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing. But what really grabbed Sapphire's attention was the bulge in his jeans longer than his thigh. She actually did a small double take upon seeing it and for a split second her mouth fell open in shock. Working as a stripper and prostitute had exposed her to more than her fair share of dick and even with all her experience she could tell he was absolutely enormous.

She finished off her routine by finally sliding out of her panties and doing a standing splits for everyone to see. As an encore she tossed her thong out into the crowd, making sure it landed directly onto the equine lap she'd been ogling. He scooped up the underwear without looking away and she flashed him a knowing grin. He glanced down at her panties for a moment before looking back up at her with an endearingly dumbstruck look on his face. Sapphire winked at him and sauntered off stage after collecting her money. She stashed it as quickly as she could and wiped herself off before finding a new set of slightly more modest garments to cover herself with. As soon as she was technically clothed she made her way around the backstage and onto the floor proper. The horse was sitting exactly where he'd been before, staring down at her panties and slowly shaking his head in disbelief. Sapphire giggled and made her way over to him.

“Hey there,” She cooed, approaching Darren with a coquettish smile, “I couldn't help but notice how much you enjoyed my show!”

“Y-yeah it was amazing!” He said with an eager smile, “You're really pretty!”

“Thanks honey. How about a private dance?”

“Oh . . . uhm . . . I don't have enough for that I think . . . you're probably really expensive huh?”

“How much you got?” She asked, turning her back to him and rubbing her ass against his cock in a mock lapdance.

“I only have a hundred . . .”

“Perfect, I won't tell if you don't!”


Sapphire rubbed her barely clothed pussy against his dick and shuddered at the thought of that monster being inside her, “Really! Now let's go before my asshole boss finds out. Oh, and touching is very much encouraged!” 

She took him by the hand and led him into the back rooms where they'd have some privacy, “Thanks!” Darren said, “I've never had a private show before!”

“Well I can promise you'll never have one like this! What's your name sweetheart?”


“Mmmmm, I like. That's a good strong name! Sit down Darren. And enjoy!”

Sapphire yanked the curtain shut and pushed him into the little booth opposite the entrance. The music from the main area was just muffled enough for the sounds of moaning and colliding flesh to be heard from the other rooms. Usually clients had to pay extra for the full package but she was so eager to see his cock in all it's glory she was willing to wave the fee. If he proved even half as good as she hoped he might just earn himself a regular's discount for repeat visits! And with all the shit she endured at the hands of her boss she deserved a little treat for herself. He never needed to know.

She leaned over him, grabbing the back of the bench he was sitting on for support, and removed her top with a deft twist of her other hand. It landed on his legs while her impressive tits swayed back and forth inches from his face. Darren swallowed nervously and stared at her plump breasts. Sapphire winked at him and pushed them even closer to his face, none too subtly inviting him to have a taste. Out of the corner of her eyes she watched his hands reach up towards her silky fur. But rather than grab her chest like she assumed and wanted his fingers found their way to her taut ass instead. She tensed and let out a little gasp of surprise, smiling down at his audacity. Her smile only widened when he lifted one of his hands and gave her incredibly soft ass a sudden smack. Both buttocks jiggled from the sudden collision as a ripple of pleasure coursed through her body. Sapphire responded with a very real moan and bit her lower lip. She pressed the tip of her cold, wet nose against his muzzle and licked her lips.

“I guess you're an ass man huh sugar?”

“I'm definitely a fan of yours!” He replied.

“Good to know. Then why don't you lean back and enjoy the view!”4

Pushing herself back into a standing position Sapphire did a little spin that pushed her toned butt straight into Darren's delighted face. She spanked herself once on each cheek before sliding her hands beneath her thong and pulling it down. Just a little too eager to be seductive by that point she wrenched the fabric down to her knees in one sudden motion and he was suddenly free to admire the breathtaking view in all it's glory. Just like when she was on stage the slick inner folds of her pussy were just barely visible between the slick tufts of fur surrounding it. But with his new and considerably better view Darren was able to see her tight little asshole half hidden between her ass cheeks as well. Unable to stop himself he licked his lips and leaned forward, eager to taste the delicious sights before him. She looked back just as his face disappeared into her bubble butt and instantly moaned when his massive tongue brushed against her slit. He started just before her clit and moved all the way up her cunt, across the damp patch of fur between her two holes, and finally came to a stop just a hair past her quivering asshole. Sapphire growled with bestial lust, her round ears flattening against her head while her breath caught in her throat. Any misgivings she might have had about breaking the strip club's rules were gone along with what little restraint she had left.

Filled by an overwhelming desire to finally see the cock that had started this whole thing Sapphire turned to face him, kneeling down and grabbing the front of his jeans with barely contained excitement, “Gimme that fat cock baby!” She moaned, “I'm not waiting another second!”

Darren nodded and rubbed the back of his neck, “Are you okay?”

“I'm fine darling ne—oh my fucking god!” Sapphire exclaimed as his foot long dick flopped out onto the couch with a slap, “Oh honey I've never been better!”

Baring her fangs in a toothy smile Sapphire grabbed his dick and lifted into her mouth, licking the flat head with more enthusiasm than ever. His precum was appropriately musky and bitter but she didn't mind it one bit. It was clear from the look on his face he was enjoying the attention she paid his member immensely. She got the impression he didn't often get his dick played with by a woman who knew what she was doing, if any woman at all. So with that in mind Sapphire opened her mouth nice and wide, slid the first few inches of his prick between her lips, and moaned enticingly for him. Darren let out a noise somewhere between a gasp and a whinny as the sudden pressure of her tight little mouth clamped down around his shaft. Most women he'd been with didn't even try going down on him and he'd pretty much accepted that with his size it just wasn't a possibility. Yet somehow Sapphire was proving that lifelong belief wrong one messy inch at a time. Her beautiful blue eyes locked with his, holding his gaze as surely as she held his manhood, and she swallowed more of his cock.

With a purposefully slow but steady pace Sapphire pushed herself further and further onto his swollen dick, her throat gradually stretching to accommodate such a behemoth. About a quarter of the way down his member her eyes started to water and she had to fight from gagging. Even with all her experience sucking cock and fucking for money she was actually having a little trouble with Darren's shaft. That didn't slow her down one bit though and from the way he throbbed between her lips she knew he, like most men, was enjoying the sight of his prick slowly disappearing into her throat. As she continued down his manhood he started to groan louder and more powerfully. The longer she kept him inside her throat the more he seemed to enjoy the myriad of sensations assailing his body. Eager to make him squirm even more Sapphire playfully bit down on his shaft, her fangs sinking into his flesh just enough to give him a momentary surge of pain. While he was tensing from the unexpectedly good feeling she reached between his thighs to cup his pendulous sack with both hands.

“That feels really good!” Darren panted, “You're good at this!” Sapphire smiled at him, as much as she could, and rolled her eyes at his words, “Oh right . . . well I can see why you're so popular!”

A gurgling laugh filled the booth as she chuckled and paused in her movements. While her fingers continued to squeeze and fondle his balls her tongue started to swirl around whatever parts of his member she could reach. His dick was just a bit too big to allow her much movement but she made use of every bit she had. She had to stop with just over half his member buried in her throat, her gag reflex already going haywire and her body starting to shake from the lack of oxygen. In a perfect world she could have taken him all and sucked him off like a champ but most of her customers, and expecially her shithead manager, weren't anywhere near as well endowed as Darren. But lacking the experience necessary to completely deepthroat his prick didn't stop her from enjoying what she could fit in that moment. Sapphire noisily slurped and gulped as she slowly pulled back. The flared tip of his prick scraped against the walls of her throat on its way out. Every centimeter felt like a mile when he was exiting and she hadn't even really started! Only when the tip of his member had returned to her mouth and was pressing down against her tongue did she stop and take a moment to collect herself.

The floor beneath her was completely drenched in her juices and the more she thought about her creamy reward the wetter she got. In situations like that it was a shame the club had a 'one person per room' policy because she could really use a nice, hard dick inside her cunt at that moment. Of course the cock she really wanted in her pussy was still pumping precum onto her tongue. And with how much time she'd already devoted to draining his balls it was unlikely she'd have a chance to really ride him like the stallion he'd turned out to be. That didn't stop her from fantasizing about it though and she even brought one of her hands down between her legs to start teasing her clit in time with her motions. She could tell he was nearing the end of his rope and she was torn between her love of deepthroating and her near overwhelming desire to taste his jiz. Out of all the animals she'd had the pleasure of blowing over the years horses were probably her favorite for a variety of reasons. First and foremost among them being how thick, rich, and often tasty their jizz seemed to be. The longer they went without blowing their load the more it would build up. And it was clear he'd gone quite a long time without emptying his heavy balls into some lucky slut. Sapphire was beyond happy to be that slut and after a moment of deliberation decided to suck down his dick once more. She was only a few inches in when he finally said the words she'd been waiting to hear. 

“God! I'm gonna cum! I-is that okay?”

Sapphire nodded, her entire body tensing in anticipation of his climax. Her fingers moved in a blur across her aching pussy and she closed her eyes to savor every pulse and tremble of his manhood as it unloaded inside her. Squeezing his balls just hard enough to make him gasp and biting down with equal amounts of force she moaned as loudly as she could and waited for his release. For a few seconds he throbbing madly inside her throat before suddenly going stiff, his entire body locking up like he'd just been paralyzed. What happened next was as surprising as it was completely delightful. Darren's large, strong hands suddenly launched forward to grab the sides of her head, his fingers gripping her fur with enough strength to make her gasp. Her eyes flew open and she looked at his pleasure wracked face in surprise a moment before she was suddenly forced even further down his dick. He yanked her a good three inches forward in one mighty pull, the combination of his suddenly thrusting hips and his iron grip on her head ensuring his member went in deep. Sapphire gagged harder than ever and tears streamed down her face but she didn't fight the sudden reveal of control. He had no way of knowing how much being facefucked turned her one but he was probably learning that right now!

A moment later he finally reached the limit of his endurance and the long awaited climax they'd both been hungry for finally arrived in all it's glory. Cum so thick and gooey it could have passed for a hearty meal, and would end up being one for her, exploded into her belly with enough force to make her momentarily tense in surprise. Even without being able to taste it Sapphire knew his jizz was something special as it gushed into her stomach and filled her up within seconds. Her hands quickly moved to her taut tummy, pressing against her sleek fur in an attempt to feel his seed sloshing around inside her. What she felt instead was her abdomen subtly start to swell from the sheer amount of spunk being dumped inside her. It wouldn't have been noticeable had she not been feeling for it but the mere fact that he had so much to give was enough to make her cum on the spot. It wasn't anywhere as powerful as his climax but she was still left breathless and dazed for a few moments, more so than she was already, while juices gushed out of her pussy in sticky streams. Her sudden and unexpected orgasm ended only a few moments after his own and both of them were left quivering, sweat soaked messes in the aftermath. Without really thinking about it Sapphire pulled back until his cock emerged from her overstuffed throat and mouth with a loud pop. It smacked wetly against the leather bench beneath him and she stared dreamily at it for a few seconds before rising to her feet.

“S-sorry about that . . .” Darren muttered, “I don't know what came over me.”

“I love it sweetie. Every single second of it. Don't apologize for showing a girl a good time!”

“Okay. I'm glad you liked it.”

“No no, I loved it!” Sapphire wiped her mouth and stood up, “Unfortunately we don't have time for anything else so that'll have to do for now.”

“Yeah,” He nodded, “Thanks! I mean . . . it was fun. You're fun!”

“Here you go big boy.” She said, emphasizing big as much as possible before handing him a small business card. “So we can have more fun . . .”

“What's this?”

“My info. In case you ever wanna have some more fun.”

“I don't have that much money—”

“On the house.”

Darren's face lit up in a goofy smile and he stared down at her card for several seconds, “Okay . . . when do you get off?”

“I just did honey.”

“I mean off work. When are you done?”

“Why, you wanna go again?”


She looked at his already hardening cock and bit her lip, the prospect of another ride was more enticing than she could describe but her abusive boss would come looking if she was gone too long, “Come back at midnight. I'll be free then.”

“Great. It was nice meeting you Ms. Sapphire.”

“Likewise baby,” She said with a laugh, taking his offered hand and shaking it, “I'll see you later tonight Darren.” 

Sapphire stood in front of Darren's apartment door dressed in her tightest black dress, an eager little smile spread across her face. Her shapely, well muscled body looked nothing short of fantastic beneath the clingy black fabric. With tits about to burst out of the top, legs that seemed to go on for miles, and heels that made her calves pop she was a sight to behold. And all that was before taking into account her pristine brown fur and sparkling blue eyes. She'd earned more than a few envious looks and furtive whispers as she made her way upstairs, there was no telling how her fuck buddy would react upon seeing her. He didn't know she was coming over and she was eager to surprise him. But as she raised her hand to knock on the door a draft from down the hall sent the smell of cheap cologne wafting past her nose. She inhaled it without even thinking and was forcefully reminded of why she was so eager to see a real man, besides Darren's sweet personality and genuine interest in her life that is. Whenever her boss felt like exercising his power he decided to fuck her with his impressively small cock. That morning had been another in a long line of 'meetings' like that.

“Uhh yeah! You like the way my dick feels in your ass baby?”

“You know it!” Sapphire said in an unconvincing huff. 

Her large, naked body was bent over his desk and he was standing on his chair furiously thrusting into her ass with his stubby little dick. Even spreading her buttocks as far apart as he could his shaft barely reached her asshole and could only penetrate two inches or so. Of course that didn't stop him from fucking her like he was God's gift to women. Add to the that his smug, mousy face and tiny little balls constantly smacking against her and it was the perfect recipe for frustration and irritation. Yet despite all of that her boss never ceased to enjoy taking advantage of his position. He always managed to get his rocks off even barely penetrating her. And since he knew the secret that originally brought Sapphire to his establishment, or rather had uncovered it, he had pretty much all the power. Which left her no other choice than to let him satisfy himself with her body whenever he liked. Thankfully he never lasted more than a few minutes and from the way he slammed into her she could tell that time was coming to a close. Sure enough amidst another stream of profanity he shoved all two inches of his prick inside her ass and groaned loud enough to fill the office.

“Ohhhhhh that's the stuff! God you have a tight little hole! I could just fuck you all day.”

“Maybe in your dreams.” Sapphire thought to herself. “I'm glad you like it so much . . . cutie.”

“Hell yeah I do. Go get yourself cleaned up!” He said, smacking her ass and pulling out. A thin line of runny spunk trickled out of her barely stretched hole as she straightened and started grabbing her clothes, “You're on tonight. Put on a good show and maybe I'll give you another go tomorrow!”

Shaking the memory out of her head and knocking on the door Sapphire turned the handle the moment she heard Darren's voice, “Hey baby!”

“Hey you!” He greeted, moving in close for a kiss, “How are you?”

“Oh I'm alright.”

“Yeah, that's good! I didn't expect you to come over today!”

“I wanted to surprise you. I actually . . . I actually have something to tell you.”

“Okay. Is it bad?”

“No. Kind of. Probably.” Sapphire took a deep breath. She'd never shared her secret with anyone but something about Darren just made her want to be honest and open. Probably for the first time in her life. “I used to be, well I guess I still am, the daughter of a very rich family. My real name is Delilah Proudmoore.”

Darren sat up as she spoke, immediately recognizing that name. There were more warrants out for her than most mobsters. Anyone who brought her in could stand to make a significant amount of money. “I see.”

“I don't go by that name anymore. Mostly just use Sapphire. I ran away from home as a teenager and got into trouble along the way to here. I stole a lot and was even part of a crew for a time. I started hiding out as a sex worker a few years back because of the money. And the fact that nobody ever really wants to know your real name.”

“Okay . . . why are you telling me this?”

Delilah shrugged, “I like you. Please don't tell anyone okay?”


“Thank you!” She kissed him on the cheek, “I'm going to take a quick shower and then we'll have some fun!”

“Sounds like a plan . . .”

He watched her stroll into his bathroom, purposefully leaving the door open as she stripped naked, and step into the shower. Darren waited until her back was turned and the water was running before snatching up his phone and punching in the first four digits of his bounty hunter contacts. He paused with his finger hovering over the next number, casting his unsuspecting lover a guilty look. She glanced back at him over her shoulder and smiled. After a moment she turned to face him and offered a cheerful wave. Rounding it off with a kiss Delilah winked at him and turned back towards the showerhead and the steamy water gushing out of it. Darren hit the next two numbers without realizing it and looked down just as he was about to hit the third. Indecision gripped him as he was torn between the substantial payday and his growing affection for the woman he was about to betray. He swallowed several times and scratched the back of his head in frustration. His thumb inched closer to the call button with every passing second. 

Just as it was about to finally connect and set off a path he couldn't walk away from Darren locked his phone and tossed it onto the recliner beside him. Shaking his head and smiling he sat down on the couch and waited for his lady to finish getting ready. There were always chances to make more money. For now he was just going to enjoy having fun with one of the hottest and most fun women he'd ever been with. A few minutes later the water stopped and he watched her step out. His cock immediately perked up at the sight of her wet fur, plump ass, and shapely tits. She flashed him another wink from the doorway and grabbed a towel, hurriedly drying herself off while sauntering his way as seductively as possible. She wasn't anywhere near dry in the short distance to the couch but it was enough to keep things from getting to messy. The wrong kind of messy at least.

“Hey there big boy . . .” She cooed, “I hoped you liked the show.”

“Of course I did!”

“Good, because now it's time to perform. I hope you're up to the task!”

Darren grinned and pulled his impressive dick out his pants with both hands, “Always.”

Delilah threw her towel aside and moaned at the sight of his member, “God I never get sick of seeing that monster!”

As much as she wanted to sink to her knees and suck him dry a very large part of her body had been aching for something real ever since her shithead of a manager had 'fucked' that morning. She needed to feel a real man inside her or she might go crazy. And after all the times they'd fucked since their first meeting there wasn't a single part of Delilah's body that couldn't handle Darren's cock. With that in mind she quickly spun on her heels and lowered herself onto the flat end of his manhood, rubbing the sticky tip against her asshole until she was good and lubricated. As he stroked the sleek fur on her back she gently pushed back and exhaled. After a split second of effort her ass relaxed enough for several inches of thick shaft to glide inside her. Delilah immediately moaned in satisfaction, a little shiver running through her body. Almost as good as the initial penetration was the thought of what would come next. Darren was remarkably good at fucking her exactly how she wanted it. Sometimes he was a bit too gentle when she wanted it rough but more often than not he knew how to give her a dicking that left her satisfied and wanting more. Just by the way his hands roamed her body and his dick throbbed she knew she was in for one hell of a ride. And with her early morning experience still fresh in her mind that prospect was nothing short of perfect.

“Fuck! This is a real cock!” She panted.

Darren chuckled at her words, having no idea of their meaning, and rested his hands on her curvaceous hips. Delilah quickly realized what he doing and let go of his dick a moment before he took over and started pulling her further down. Inch by inch his cock disappeared into her ass. She could feel her inner walls stretching wider and wider as his wonderfully thick member neared the base. Unable to stop herself she let out a string of curses and barely comprehensible gibberish at the flood of pleasure rushing through her. Sex had always been pleasurable to her but it was only after meeting Darren and his lovely dick that she'd really come to appreciate having her ass completely wrecked. Of course her equine lover was always full of surprises and he never failed to keep her guessing or cumming. Such was the thought that flitted through her head as she felt his swollen balls bump gently against her dripping cunt. With the entire length of his shaft buried inside her and all control pretty much surrendered Delilah was free to lean back and stare in adoration at the man she'd grown so fond of.

“You feel amazing,” He murmured.

“You stole my line baby,” She smiled, “Now shut up and kiss me.”

Dutifully following her commands Darren slid one arm around her waist and the other up over her breasts and towards her neck. His strong fingers closed around her throat just tightly enough to force her towards his mouth. Delilah closed her eyes and smiled as their lips met in a tender kiss. Her cold, wet nose pressed against his muzzle as their tongues danced behind their lips. His dick throbbed harder than ever inside her ass, due in no small part to the constant quivering her naked form. Their loving embrace swiftly turned lustful as she started gently rinding against his lap. Her shaking legs pushed her as high off his member as they could before dropping her back down with an audible smack. Though it was only a few inches each time it was more than enough to make them both ache for faster, wilder movements. The kiss ended a few moments later and Delilah turned her attention towards the ceiling, reaching back with both hands to grab the back of the couch to steady herself. Darren's hand slipped down to one of her exposed, heaving tits. 

He rolled her nipple between his fingers and slipped the other set down between her legs to find her already swollen and ready clit. The instant his fingers touched her sensitive bud a bolt of pleasure arced through Delilah's body. It quickly melted into a rising wave when he started thrusting upwards in time with the movements of his fingers across her clitoris. Already the anticipation was starting to work against her as the ecstasy welling up from her stuffed ass and trembling pussy made it nearly impossible to do anything else but moan. Fortunately Darren didn't need anything more than his own strength to get by. His hips thrusted hard and fast enough to actually lifted her into the air with each push and she barely had enough time to start falling back down before he was slamming back into her again. Somehow he managed to keep her bouncing on the length of his cock like a living fleshlight and simultaneously tease her clit with a remarkable amount of skill. The rough pads of his fingers felt completely amazing rubbing small circles over her nub. So much so she almost forgot about the great big dick currently stretching out her hole. At least until it was driven back into her ass at the same time his digits pushed against her swollen bud. Then she remembered in a very big way. She managed to keep what little control she had left for almost a full minute until it finally grew to be too much and she happily gave in to his touch.

“Oh God!” Delilah screamed, her eyes going wide and her head tilting back, “Fuck!”

Her hand covered Darren's as she clumsily attempted to pull him away before she completely lost control. His fingers remained glued to her clit and he rubbed harder than ever in the face of her weak, unconvincing protests. Delilah's ass clenched his cock so hard he almost couldn't handle the pleasure as her entire body tightened in unison. All the air rushed out of her lungs and she stared uncomprehendingly up at the ceiling. Her voice failed her a moment later as everything hung on the edge of that perfect moment of anticipation. It all came screaming down around her a split second later and ecstasy flooded her quivering form in waves. The lips of her pussy trembled harder than ever before and after a few moments a thick stream of clear fluid erupted out of her vacant cunt like water from a busted pipe. It sprayed in a powerful arc across the entire room to splash messily all over the wall across from them. Though her first squirting climax didn't last more than a second it was immediately followed up by another as Darren's constantly shifting fingers and beautifully thick member kept her right in the middle of her orgasm. More pussy juice than she'd ever produced in one climax continued to spray out of her for what very well might have been an eternity. The harder her body squirmed the more powerfully his cock and fingers responded.

With all that stimulation assailing her mind and body it was a small wonder she actually noticed Darren's cock suddenly swell and his muscles flex uncontrollably against her. Realizing a moment before it happened what was about to arrive Delilah cried out his name in encouragement. Then a hot rush of cum exploded into her ass, flooding the deepest recesses and filling her up more than the heartiest meal. Darren groaned and pressed his forehead against her back while his hips bucked wildly with each new load emptied inside her. Somehow his hands managed to remain exactly where they were and despite the incredible pleasure he felt he never stop playing with her pussy for even a moment. If anything the stimulation of her convulsing only spurred him to continue. The walls of her asshole felt indescribably around his cock and any ripple from her pussy multiplied that enjoyment by a factor of two. His balls drained every last drop they possibly could into her waiting hole until he couldn't produce so much as a drop. The gooey mess he'd left swirled madly around in her belly as Delilah rubbed her soft stomach and moaned. She could almost feel the immense amount of jizz he'd unloaded just by touching her tummy. But it was nothing compared to the satisfaction he'd given her or the satisfaction she felt at getting him off so well.

At long last both of them were utterly spent. They collapsed against the couch and each other in a heap of smiling, sweaty limbs. Delilah's hands covered his, bringing them to her mouth for a tender kiss. He responded by kissing all the way up her shoulders and to her neck, planting soft smooches everywhere he could reach. They sat there in blissful contemplation until she finally found enough of a voice to express how amazing that had just been. It was the same sentiment she always expressed but she'd be damned if Darren didn't know just how much she liked fucking him.

“Wow . . .” She panted, “Usually you have to pay for a fuck that good!”

Darren chuckled softly and tenderly brushed her cheek with one hand. She nuzzled against his fingers and smiled. “What do I owe you?” He asked.

“Darling, if anyone's getting paid for that it's you!”

“Oh I think I already got everything I need.”

“Yeah?” She squeezed his still hard cock with her trembling ass and looked back at him, “Seems like you could still get more.”

“You're very beautiful.”

Delilah smiled and bit her lip for a moment, “Thank you sweetheart. Keep that up and I just might stick around for another go.”

“What about work?”

“Fuck it. I can be late for once.”

He smiled and ran his hands down her lithe, muscular body, “What time does your shift end?”

“Midnight. But I don't wanna wait that long to see you.”

“Me neither.”

“You should come with me. Hang around during the show. I know how much you like to watch me work!”

“Would your boss be okay with that?”

Delilah scowled heavily at the mere mention of her jackass superior but her expression quickly brightened, “He would if I told him you're my bodyguard!”


“Yeah! I'll tell him I hired you because security at that place is a joke. Which it kind of is. And he'll have to let you stay or I'll threaten to quit.”

“I thought you like working there?”

“I do.” She laughed, affectionately petting his muzzle with one hand, “But he doesn't have to know that. Plus all the girls there are constantly complaining about not having enough bouncers anyways. It's a win win for him. Or so he thinks.”

“Okay . . . I'd love to be your bodyguard!”


She turned to face him as best she could with his foot long dick still buried in her ass and gave him a passionate kiss, “You don't have to actually pay me th—” he started to say.

“Hush. You're getting paid. I want you to stick around and money's not an issue.”

“I don't need money to stay with you.”

“I know baby. And I'm glad. But you will need money if you're gonna be blowing off your other jobs to watch me shake my ass in front of strangers right?”

“Yeah that makes sense.”

“Good. Then it's a deal! Why don't we celebrate with some more sweaty, naked fun?”

“Sound like a plan!”


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