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Been getting into unreal engine. the last thing i need right now is a new project with all the other unfinished ones I have lying about but hey. Since I've been learning 3d and uv mapping for game characters I've been figuring out how to put a custom character model into the engine and get it running about. The problem is, I'm so newbie that the stuff i need to know is so simple that i almost couldn't find tutorials on it. So if anyone else is wondering, if you want to put a custom model into the existing game template and use the existing aimation/player control, you skin it in mixamo, which is a free online program, then the skeleton rigging is set up in a way UE can understand. Then you do a tedious retargeting procedure, outlined here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io76DagpS-8  . If you're dumb like me, that is good information. Your welcome! Anyway, that's why I haven't drawn any porn lately


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