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When Akuro told Night, he'd be bringing two special gifts for his birthday party, the tiger had no idea it was gonna be two of his favorite cast members from Extreme Dinosaurs: Spike and Stegz. As he opened the door, the two massive figures barely squeezed through the doorframe and towered over the tiger, who was rightfully intimidated by the sight. Akuro chuckled at how flustered the tiger got and after a few lewd comments and eager hands grabbing the poor feline, Night found himself in the middle of a gangbang by these massive studs. And the evening was just beginning!

This is a picture I received as a gift from my sweet friend Akuro who commissioned it from Nexus. Thank you so much for this! I honestly didn't expect this and was caught totally off guard by the hot concept and execution! The team behind Nexus did an outstanding job capturing all characters & their expressions. I couldn't be happier!

Artist: Nexus Gang Blue Dragon Dad: Akuro 




What l lucky kitty 🤤 Hope you had a great Birthday!!