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Wow this is finally finished :)
Have a good rest of your weekend, whenever you can have it.

I have no idea why I did this! It was like. Ok this is a great wasteland but what if I flipped it and oh no there goes a few more days! haha

Well there you go. Coco Bandicoot, the "normal" version and the "evil" version. :V

And you may think you prefer the evil version until the claws come out. They're sharper than you think! :V

Stick with Coco, who just wants to tinker with quadcopters .... and domesticating tigers?? ..??

Thanks to Patreon's User Interface, make sure to click the easy-to-miss arrow to advance at additional thumbnails to download all the images!




Oml... this is perfect


These are very nice, love it.


Amazing as usual, stunning BG work!


Holy shit, you've really outdone yourself on this one.

Ramzyuu Caelyn

What cheat code enables this? :O :O

James Dougell

Oh my gosh, this is seriously one of your most high quality projects ever. I love the concept and the details!

Reiku Yin

You've been really killing it of late dear. Output speed and quantity have been pushing the bar higher and higher. Wonder what bit you to keep your muse so on point? I'd love a bit of it.


Loving both versions a whole lot! And the background are stunning. ;w;


Love it all!


Such a bounty of wumpa enhanced goodness, truly we are blessed, one and all! -Thank you for all the work!


Thanks for to being enjoying of evil and hero cocos :0


Aw shucks, Anju. I'm happy that you like the big bouncy pic :0


Uh idk! Sometimes I hit a stride, but I think mostly it's hitting a stride in the sense of uh um. You need to rest on a rhythm and resume on a rhythm.


Yah, it took a few minutes to get there, but Light/Dark Cocos have been achieved :O


A classic idea of light and dark. I am glad that it is fulfilling to look at :O


Thank :V Always happy to hear when someone likes the bappos


Man, even got scuff marks in the sand. Very nice!


Hng. You da M.V.P


The sunset background for dark coco was really done well and hey tbh I'm a sucker for sunsets so yeah