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Sketchy smut that needs some serious fixing/fine tuning, but overall doesn't look too bad, I think. I might slap some quick color on this later.

Albert, Latte, Tarma, Marco, Eddie, Stootz, Mac

Other Mac, Caramel, Chu, June and ..uh.. I really should name that one.. Any ideas?

This looks like one helluva fun sleepover!

(Thank you to June, Macster and Stootz for letting me draw their OCs in this.)




holy smoke, this really expanded after I went to sleep! Looks like a fun time.


Gonna be a grand sleepover :) ! Let's get the snacks and movies going!

David Rudisill

That looks like one epic sausage party! Great one, Duck!


Marco & Tarma is one of the sweetest parts of this. Caramel, Albert & Latte too! Great stuff -- cutecore is for everybody!


Fun stuff!